Dakota was listening to every word spoken. What else could it be? What wasn’t the police officer telling them?

“No, we aren’t sure, but there was another call an hour ago on the east side of the city.”

They finished speaking with the officer and then had to wait as Cooper’s vehicle was checked. It was fine, and they were free to go. It was tense when they got in the car. They all needed to go home and figure this out.


Ace paced his brother’s living room as he went through every curse word he could think of. He’d just gotten off the phone with Bill again, and his boss assured him no one was coming after him. He’d yelled, he’d threatened, he’d told the man to dig deeper. His brother’s truck getting blown up couldn’t be a coincidence.

His brothers were sitting there waiting for him to calm down, and it wasn’t happening yet. He didn’t even want to dull his senses with a glass of bourbon, though he was sure he could use it. What if . . . That was all he was thinking.

“You know, things do just happen,” Cooper finally said.

Ace turned to him with an incredulous look. “Not to me they don’t,” he said through clenched teeth. He forced himself to calm down enough so his brothers would truly hear him. “I’ve lived in this evil portion of the world for a very long time. When you let down your defenses and relax, that’s when people strike.”

“I agree you’ve lived in a world that is full of distrust and evil, but you’re back home now,” Nick pointed out.

“And trouble has seemed to follow me,” Ace told him.

“Or maybe shit just happens,” Mav said.

“Yeah, like hoodlums blowing up my truck,” Nick muttered. His shock was gone, and now he was filled with rage.

“Whoever did that will pay,” Ace promised his brother. “And I’ll get you a new truck.”

Nick shook his head. “She can’t be replaced,” he said.

“I’m so sorry,” Ace said. “I feel like it’s my fault.”

Nick was quiet for a minute, and then he smiled at Ace. It didn’t seem to him like there was anything to smile about at this particular moment, but Nick had always been the one to see the rainbow at the end of the storm.

“I don’t think this has anything to do with you, but even if it did, we’re family. If one of us is in trouble, then we all are,” Nick assured him.

“If the evide

nce comes in that someone is after you, we have your back,” Cooper added.

“We’re the four musketeers,” Mav said with a grin.

“I don’t know. I just don’t know,” Ace said. Maybe he was seeing danger where there wasn’t any. But his gut had never steered him wrong before. He wasn’t sure what to think.

“We should check on the ladies,” Cooper told them.

“Lindsey and Stormy are putting the kids to bed, and Chloe and Dakota are talking. I think they’d rather be alone,” Nick said.

“Yeah, it’s been an intense few days,” Mav admitted.

“I’m having a hard time backing off. If something happens to Dakota and it’s my fault, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself,” Ace said.

“If something happens to her, I’m sure you’ll be the one to save her,” Nick pointed out.

“I’m no hero, and certainly not a knight in shining armor,” Ace told them.

“She sure as hell looks at you like you are,” Cooper said.

Ace had never wanted to be a hero, but the thought of Dakota seeing him as one did make him want to change his bad-boy reputation. She had far too much influence over him and over how he felt. He just wasn’t sure how to process that information.

“Let’s relax, maybe have a drink. If something is going on, I’m sure Bill will call you back.”