“Stop talking and kiss me,” she demanded.

He wasn’t going to argue with her. Grabbing her tight, he pulled one leg over his and pressed his thickness against her wet heat while his mouth devoured her. He rubbed against her slickness while his tongue swept inside her mouth.

Dakota groaned before pushing him on his back and climbing on top of him. She gripped him in her hand and lifted her luscious body before sinking down on top him, her tight heat nearly making him explode with the first thrust.

Dakota quickly found a perfect rhythm as she moved up and down on him. Ace couldn’t tear his gaze from her beautiful face. Sweat beaded on her brow. She bit her lower lip and groaned. She relished making love to a man who desired her more than life itself.

He lifted his hands and squeezed her chest, tweaking her nipples. He got lost in the passion the two of them were stoking higher and higher. Each time she pushed down on him, he drew closer to the edge. It was going too fast.

Pulling on her back, he tugged her into his arms and captured her mouth again, pushing his hips up to meet her thrusts. She cried against him, biting his lip and then sucking it while he felt the pressure continue to build.

Her body began squeezing his, and he knew she was building closer to an explosive orgasm. He would be right there with her. His hands grabbed her ass as he thrust upward, pushing harder each time their bodies met.

Tracing her back to the curve of her ass, he held on tightly as he moved his lips to her neck and sucked the skin. She cried out, her hips moving faster. And then her entire body tensed as she let out a scream that echoed through the room, her hot flesh squeezing him as she shook on top of him.

Ace didn’t try to hold back any longer. He surged upward, his hot climax rushing from him, shooting deep within her tight walls. They shook together as the release washed through them, connecting Ace to Dakota even more than he already had been.

It was several moments before they were able to move, and still, when Dakota pulled off him, he felt an instant moment of aloneness he’d never felt before. He grabbed her before she could pull away too far, holding her against his chest as he reached for the covers and engulfed them in a safe cocoon.

Ace was exhausted, but as Dakota fell asleep in his arms, he lay awake for quite a while, his hand moving up and down her back, his eyes closed, his body relaxed. This was where he had always belonged.

What frightened him was that it was bound not to last. How could it? He was leaving in two weeks. Besides that, they didn’t know the good, bad, and ugly of each other. They didn’t know much at all. This had started out with a fiery passion and had literally evolved into a firestorm of bullets. For this moment, though, he wanted to forget all about that. He wanted nothing more than to have her wrapped in his arms, his heart beating against her cheek.

He wanted it all. With that thought, he closed his eyes and allowed sleep to claim him. A new day was coming and he could worry about it all then. For now, he was safe and content.


A smile rested on Dakota’s lips as she slowly began waking up. Stretching her arms above her head, a slow ache burned through her body, and that only made her lips turn up more. She opened her eyes to the sunlight streaming through the windows. This was how she should have been able to wake up after her first time making love with Ace.

Whether her choice to sleep with him was a stupid or not, it was a choice she’d consciously made. She wouldn’t allow herself or Ace to think of it as a mistake. Not when it was so damn wonderful between the two of them.

The bed beside her was cold, telling her Ace had been up for a while. She wasn’t worried about it. The day before she hadn’t wanted him out of her sight, but after the night the two of them had shared, she felt as if she were still in his safe embrace—at least for now.

The smells of coffee and bacon drifted into the room, and her stomach rumbled. Food had been the last thought on her mind the night before, but now that they seemed to be out of immediate danger, her body was demanding to be refueled.

Pushing the covers away, Dakota stood and walked into the bathroom, her leg muscles screaming at her. She had worked them pretty dang hard the night before. This must be her reminder. She thought about the night. It had been magical.

Turning the shower on hot, she stepped inside and sighed with relief. She ached in places she hadn’t ached in a while. That was saying a lot, considering she was a cheerleader for the Seattle Seahawks and did all sorts of acrobatics during practices and on game day. Heck, if I have enough sex with Ace, I won’t need weight training anymore, she thought with a laugh.

Too hungry and already needing to seek Ace out, Dakota got through her shower quickly before toweling off. She then went into the bedroom with a fluffy towel wrapped around her and looked at the room. She’d forgotten to get another change of clothes from Chloe the night before.

She found a thick robe hanging in the closet and slipped into that. She’d have to wear clothes she’d borrowed the night before, but she wanted food more than she cared to get dressed.

Dakota had always been a morning person. She hadn’t been able to relate to those who weren’t excited for a brand-new day, especially when the sun was shining and there were so many new possibilities in the air. What wasn’t there to be excited about?

When she stepped from the bedroom, she heard the low beat of music playing, which automatically made her hips sway as she moved soundlessly through the surprisingly large cottage. She turned a corner and found Ace at the stove flipping a pancake. That wasn’t what stopped her in her tracks, though.

A Garth Brooks song was playing in the kitchen, and Ace was singing along in a surprisingly beautiful baritone. She was completely mesmerized. Her heart raced, and she closed her eyes. She was falling a little bit in love with the man.

I’m shameless . . . shameless as a man can be . . .

His voice mixed perf

ectly with Garth’s rich, emotion-filled voice. It was a song about love and how the man didn’t care what the world thought. He was down on his knees, would do anything for the woman he loved.

. . . but I can’t walk away from you . . .

Her heart thundered in her chest as she approached Ace, unable to stay away from him for even a second longer. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his torso, her hands sliding up his flat stomach and holding him where his heart beat.