“Just in case you have anything planned,” Nestor said, with a smile that sent a chill down Ace’s spine, “you should know that bombs are strategically placed through the area and my men are watching. If anyone so much as sneezes on me, no one gets out alive.”

Ace’s skin crawled at the man’s words. He wasn’t sure if he was bluffing or not. But he didn’t allow his worry to show in his expression.

“If you planned on this being nothing more than a bloodbath, then why even ask for a meeting?” Ace asked smoothly.

“We’re scanning for bombs to see if he’s speaking the truth,” Bill spoke into his headpiece. Ace didn’t tear his gaze away from Nestor.

“Because I’ve had my fun with you. Now I’m bored with it,” Nestor replied.

“I’m pretty sick of it myself,” Ace told him. He picked up his cup of coffee and took a sip, loving the flare of anger in Nestor’s eyes. The man wanted Ace afraid and cowering. That wasn’t going to happen.

“How is your little woman doing?” Nestor asked, a smirk on his lips.

Ace’s legs twitched with the need to jump on the man and pound his face. But that was what Nestor was trying to get him to do. He was too professional to sink to this man’s level.

“She’s made a full recovery,” Ace said then forced a smile onto his lips. “How’s your brother doing?” He said it with such a deadpan expression, it took a moment for the words to process with his enemy.

He got exactly the reaction he’d expected. Nestor took a menacing step forward, only halting when his goon held out a hand and said something in a foreign language.

“You are a very stupid fool,” Nestor said through clenched teeth. “To speak of my brother, whom you so ruthlessly killed.”

“He got what he deserved,” Ace told him.

“We can’t confirm any bombs, Ace. Give it a few more moments,” Bill said, knowing Ace would want an update on that situation.

“He trusted you instead of his own flesh and blood. He paid for that, but I am a better brother, and I have gotten his revenge for him,” Nestor bragged.

“Really?” Ace taunted. “What exactly have you done?” He smirked at Nestor again, fueling the rage that the criminal was barely managing to control.

“I got to your family,” Nestor said. “And I made you run like the coward you are.”

Ace hated that he was right. “We do a lot of things we might not normally do to protect the ones we love,” Ace said. “But this ends today.”

“Yes, it certainly does,” Nestor said. He stood behind his goon and pulled out a weapon.

Ace had been prepared for this moment, but he was still shocked when the first bullet flew. Nestor’s goon’s eyes widened before he dropped to his knees and then fell to the ground. His agents had shot at Nestor and missed.

That gave Nestor time to fire his own shot. Ace dived out of the way, but not quickly enough. A bullet buried itself in Ace’s leg, making him unable to stay on his feet. He quickly moved behind a wall, realizing his mistake immediately.

“You’re out of my sight,” Maverick thundered into his ear.

Before Ace could turn, Nestor was on top of him, the tip of his gun pressed against Ace’s temple. How in the hell had things gone wrong this quickly?

“I know you have men here, Ace, but so do I,” Nestor said with a laugh.

That’s when Ace heard yelling over his coms and Bill’s furious voice telling the men to get back. Ace smiled at Nestor, not allowing him to see that anything was wrong.

“You can’t win this, Nestor, whether I live or die,” Ace told him.

“That’s where you’re wrong. Your death will be a statement to the world not to ever mess with my family again. After you die, I will finish the job of killing off your woman and your brothers. An eye for an eye,” Nestor said gleefully as his gun pushed deeper against Ace’s temple.

“You’re not getting out of here alive,” Ace said.

He reached for his blade tucked in at his side. He couldn’t get to his gun, but he could stab this bastard with no problem. He just had to keep the man and his ego talking.

“I win this, you worthless grunt,” Nestor said.

The click of his gun cocking sent a shot straight to Ace’s heart. He knew he had only the briefest of moments to get this guy off him. And he didn’t think anyone was going to be able to step in and assist.