“Damn it, Ace,” Maverick growled over the speaker, then it went silent.

Ace grabbed Dakota’s hand and moved to the door, looking out into the hallway before pulling her from the room. All was clear on the upper floor. More shots were being fired down below.

“Get this bastard off me,” someone yelled before another shot went off and the same voice screamed.

“Stay behind me,” Ace told Dakota while he pressed her into the wall. They came down the staircase with great alacrity.

“You’re hurt,” Dakota told him. His wounds must have opened.

“Don’t think about that right now. We have to get out of here,” he said.

They reached the bottom of the staircase, and he looked at the distance from the stairs to the front door. The smoke was growing thicker, which was horrible for their lungs but gave them great cover.

“Get down,” he told her.

She didn’t argue as the two of them knelt down and crawl-walked to the front door. Ace’s heart thundered as the firing of weapons became fewer and farther between.

“Are you out?” Cooper asked in his earpiece.

Ace pulled Dakota through the front door and launched the two of them down the front stairs. More gunfire erupted beside the house. Someone was firing from the back porch, someone else from the cover of the bushes. It was too dark for Ace to see who was who, so he couldn’t assist.

“We’re out of the house,” Ace said quietly into the microphone. “Get out now. Flames are climbing the walls, and this place is going to collapse.”

“All clear,” repeated through his earpiece.

“Maverick?” Ace said, hiding behind an old truck with Dakota safely tucked beside him. He’d only heard four replies.

“Maverick, you need to answer us,” Coop said, urgency in his tone.

“Where is he?” Ace asked. If something had happened to his brother, he would never get over it.

“I’m out,” Maverick finally responded. “But the assholes got a shot into my leg. I’m on the west side of the house,” he said before coughing.

“Got him,” Cooper responded. “We will meet up at the car.”

“Be there in thirty seconds,” Ace said.

“We should wait for Maverick,” Dakota told him.

She’d been silent during the exchange, but Ace finally looked at her, and though her face was pale and those bastards had hurt her, there was determination in her eyes. He would take her as his partner anytime.

“They are already out of danger. It’s time to get you to safety,” he told her, running his fingers along her dirty cheek. “I have never been as scared as I was not knowing where you were or who was after you.”

“I’m okay, Ace. Let’s go home,” she told him.

“Yes, let’s go home,” he responded.

Everything inside him wanted to punish each man who had been responsible for

hurting this woman. He could see the bruising on her wrists, and he had no doubt there were more injuries they would pay for. But he wouldn’t leave her here on her own, so he had to get her away. He would come back for these guys. Maybe not today, but he would be back.

“We’re not out of danger,” he said. “So stay with me, and let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Let’s go,” she said, her lip trembling as she fought to remain cool under pressure.

“They never should have gotten their hands on you, Dakota. That’s all on me. I’m sorry.”

“Now is not the time for apologies,” she said sternly. “And I will hurt you if you blame yourself for me being foolish enough to take a walk alone. I wanted to pretend the danger wasn’t there, so I acted foolishly. Let’s leave now, and then we can grovel to each other when we’re safely away,” she finished with a hint of a smile.