“Get in,” he told her, thrusting open the door to the SUV. Ace crouched down, gun in hand. Another shot rang out, this one hitting the pavement where Dakota had just been standing. Two more shots rang out, and the only thing Ace cared about was getting Dakota the hell out of there.

There was no way this was a coincidence.

His heart thundered as he shoved himself into the SUV, pushing Dakota down as he revved the engine, his gun hanging out the window as he looked for the shooter. He was nowhere in sight.

Peeling out of the parking lot to the sound of police sirens in the distance and more shots, Ace’s adrenaline continued pumping as he made a swift left. Another shot rang out, shattering his back window, hitting the passenger headrest. Ace had been in many sticky situations before, but never had he been so damn scared.

After he turned another corner, no more gunshots rang out, and he knew he was out of the shooter’s range. Still, Ace didn’t slow the car for even a second as he made his way down the road, taking side streets and altering his course to throw off anyone who might be tracking them.

Dakota spoke to him, but Ace held up a hand as he concentrated on where he was going. He was listening for more gunshots. She quickly took the hint. He felt bad as he glanced at her, huddled down in her seat, fear making her body tremble uncontrollably.

Though she’d been in danger at her place, the men hadn’t drawn their weapons until he’d arrived and taken over. He punched in Cooper’s number. His brother answered immediately.

“Are you all safe?” Ace asked.

“Yeah, why?” Cooper asked, seeming confused.

“A man opened fire at the stadium,” Ace said. “Are you still inside?” What the hell. Ace was getting ready to turn back around.

“No, we all left while you were . . . um . . . having some time with Dakota against your vehicle,” Coop said.

“Good. We’re on our way,” Ace said. He knew he should head in another direction. He now had no doubt that these acts were deliberate. Someone was after him, and going to his brother’s place was putting his family in danger. But right now, he didn’t have anywhere else to go. He had to protect Dakota as well as his family. And if whoever was doing this was openly attacking him now, Ace had no doubt they knew where Coop lived.

They drove for a good fifteen minutes before the tenseness in Ace’s shoulders let up. He was still on alert, but at least he was speeding away from the danger.

“I’m sorry, Dakota,” he finally said.

“Who is doing this?” she asked, still doubled over, her eyes facing the floor, her body shaking.

“I don’t know,” he admitted.

“I’m sorry,” she said, on the verge of tears.

“It’s not your fault, Dakota. None of this is,” he said, forcing his voice to lower. She was scared enough as it was. She didn’t need him making it worse for her. “It’s mine. I should have figured this out sooner.”

“Don’t put all of this on your shoulders,” she insisted.

“We just need to get to my brother’s place, then we can get all of this figured out,” Ace said.

Slowly Dakota sat up in the seat next to him. He glanced at her, impressed when he saw the determination on her face. Her lips were tightly clasped together. She stared at him.

“What?” he finally asked, wishing he could read her mind.

“You saved me again,” she

finally said, her eyes filled with awe. He didn’t want her to feel that for him. He knew he would fail her if she did. He chose to stay quiet instead of responding.

She seemed to want something from him, so Ace reached across the space between them and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as he looked into her brave eyes for a brief moment. They were going to be okay. He wouldn’t rest until they were.


His phone rang, and he looked down to see Bill calling him back. He hit the green button on his wheel and waited to see what the man had to say. If he again told Ace he wasn’t in danger, Ace wouldn’t be responsible for his own actions.

“Ace?” Bill said after a moment, obviously irritated Ace wasn’t speaking.

“I’m here,” Ace said through clenched teeth. “You better have something for me, because I’m getting really tired of shit happening.”

“You were right,” Bill said, tightness in his tone. “Someone is after you.”