They were interrupted by the emergency vehicles pulling up and medics rushing to them. Damn, this is beginning to become a thing, Dakota realized. Maybe the two of them could finish out a single week without emergency personnel coming to their rescue.

It took a while for Ace to explain what had happened and for the paramedics to check them both out. She lost count of how many people told her how lucky she was to walk away from this with only some bruises and muscle aches.

In all honesty, she’d been scared to death. But Dakota wouldn’t allow fear to rule her life. No way. She would get back into a plane. Not the one they’d just destroyed, but she would fly again, even if she was terrified the next few times. She’d give herself a week off, though. That wasn’t wussing out; it was being smart.

“Ready to go?” Ace asked.

That’s when another two vehicles pulled up and his brothers and their wives jumped out, the women with tears on their faces and his brothers with worry in their eyes.

“Oh my gosh, Dakota,” Chloe cried as she rushed over to them. She grabbed Dakota an

d squeezed her so hard, Dakota whimpered a bit.

Chloe immediately pulled back and looked at her. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I was just so scared,” she said before apologizing a dozen more times.

“We’re both fine. I promise. Just a little sore,” Dakota assured her best friend.

“You were in a plane crash,” she accused before glaring at Ace. “What in the hell is wrong with you boys that you keep on crashing?” she thundered.

Ace held up his hands as his eyes widened. “Trust me, it wasn’t on my to-do list today,” he assured her.

“I know. I’m sorry,” Chloe said, moving over to him and throwing her arms around him. Whether he wanted a hug or not, he was getting one. Ace’s eyes met Dakota’s over Chloe’s head, and Dakota smiled at him. When Nick had married Chloe, she’d taken on his siblings as her brothers. Ace would just have to deal with that and all the love that came along with it.

“We’re okay,” Ace said again, awkwardly patting Chloe’s back.

“I know. I just had to touch you both to make sure,” Chloe said.

Stormy and Lindsey both took turns hugging Dakota and Ace before the women stepped aside and let the brothers talk about the wreck. All four of them walked over to the plane.

“Do you know how it happened?” Stormy asked.

“No. One minute everything was fine, and then the next, the engine stalled and down we were going,” Dakota told them.

“I can’t even imagine,” Lindsey said, her eyes widening as she took in the twisted metal of the plane.

“Ace did an amazing job keeping us safe,” Dakota told them.

“That doesn’t exactly look safe to me,” Lindsey pointed out.

Letting out a sigh, Dakota ran through what she could say that would help ease everyone’s fear, but she was at a loss. “He got us out alive,” she finally said.

“That’s all that matters,” Chloe assured her.

“Well, I’m sure the plane isn’t cheap,” Dakota said with a wince. Her insurance was going to skyrocket.

“That isn’t something you should even have crossing your mind right now,” Stormy told her as she turned away from the plane. “I can’t look at that anymore. It’s going to give me nightmares for weeks.”

“How did you guys find out?” Dakota asked. She and Ace hadn’t had time to call his family, they’d been so busy with the emergency personnel.

“Sherman heard it and called,” Lindsey said.

“Is there anything that man doesn’t hear?” Dakota asked.

“No, not really,” Stormy said.

“I’m surprised he wasn’t the first one on the scene,” Dakota told them.

“He wanted to be, but Maverick told him to stay by the radio so he could keep us updated. He promised we’d bring you to him right away,” Chloe told her.