Chloe was looking at her as if Dakota was losing her mind. Then her lips twitched, and soon they were laughing together. It took several moments for both of them to become composed again.

Dakota stood and grabbed a comb, dragging it through her hair as she looked at Chloe. They were silent for several moments before Chloe spoke again.

“Was the sex great?”

Dakota couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, it was better than I ever imagined. Ace was worth waiting for.”

“On one hand, it’s very odd to think of my brother-in-law and you having sex, but on the other, I want to know every single detail,” Chloe admitted.

“When he found out I was a virgin, I think I nearly gave the man a heart attack. He had the nerve to lecture me and ruin my happy buzz. So I kicked him out of the house.”

Chloe’s eyes widened. “You had sex with the man and then kicked him out of your bed?” Her lips twitched again. “That’s so awesome.”

“Yeah, well, it didn’t last long. The doorbell rang, and I thought it was him coming back, maybe to do it again, but that’s when all hell broke loose.”

“You opened the door without verifying who was there again, didn’t you?” Chloe reprimanded.

“I live in a safe neighborhood. I wasn’t expecting thugs to be at my door,” Dakota explained.

“I worry so much about you,” Chloe said with a sigh.

“You need to worry about yourself. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of me,” Dakota told her.

“I’m just glad that Ace came back,” Chloe told her.

“Yeah, me too. But I’m also really pissed that those men ruined my happy buzz,” Dakota grumbled.

“You have men break into your house, threaten you with weapons, shoot at you, and of course you’re more concerned that your after-sex glow was interrupted,” Chloe said with a roll of her eyes.

“It was my first time. The happy buzz should have lasted longer. If I ever get ahold of those men, I’m going to drop-kick them,” Dakota assured her.

“Okay, I really need to know this entire story. Finish pampering yourself so we can get back downstairs. Ace rested for a few minutes, but he couldn’t sleep. I don’t think he liked you being out of his sight with all of this going on.”

“Does he seem to be a little overprotective?” Dakota asked. Normally, that might infuriate her after growing up with brothers who smothered her. But with Ace, she kind of liked it.

“Yeah, I think he has it bad for you,” Chloe told her.

“It’s only because we had great sex, or at least it was great on my end,” Dakota said with a wave of her hand.

“You aren’t the humble kind of girl, Dakota. Don’t try to make excuses. He likes you,” Chloe said.

“Yeah, and I like him, but it’s just temporary. We haven’t exactly started in a place that allows us to pursue a relationship,” Dakota told her.

“You’d be surprised. Men like sex and gunfire. He might just think he’s in his own personal heaven,” Chloe said, unable to mask her amusement.

“You are such a nerd. Have I told you that lately?” Dakota asked.

“You do it all the time.”

They left the room together, and amazingly enough, Dakota was feeling stronger, ready to face whatever was coming. She was ready to do it right beside Ace.


Before Dakota turned the corner into the sitting room, Ace felt her presence. She was drawing nearer to him. In his line of work, he had to be observant, but his senses were even more intensified when it came to this particular woman.

He hadn’t been able to rest. Part of it was the fact that his adrenaline was still running on high, and part of it was concern for Dakota’s safety. He had almost convinced himself that those men truly had been robbers, but still . . . just in case, he wanted her in his line of sight. Of course, that made him also worry about his family, but he knew his brothers could take care of themselves, and they would die before letting anything happen to their wives or children.

Dakota had him to look out for her. He realized he didn’t know much about her, though. Did she have a big family? Would they want his head on a platter because he’d almost been too late to save her? Would she rather be with anyone other than him? Ace wasn’t used to worrying about such things.