“Tempting, but I think I’d rather get it fresh from the bottle,” she said. She ran a finger down his chest again, circling it around his stomach before she stepped back, moving over to the suitcase resting on a bench near the window.

“You are a hell of a tease,” he told her. He should be angry, but he was more amused and impressed than anything else.

She turned and looked at him, her scorching gaze taking in his entire body, from his sweating forehead all the way down to his toes and back up. He noticed how her eyes took a few extra seconds on his very hard package. It pulsed beneath her glance. He felt as if she’d just caressed him.

“I don’t tease,” she finally said as she licked her lips, making him sweat even more. “However, I also don’t give in to arrogant men who think it’s their right to have whatever they want. I’ve already told you I want to know you.” She paused, and he held his breath as he waited for her to go on.

“With the right attitude, something might happen between us,” she told him in her forthright manner. His body responded as if she’d just produced a damn condom. “But if you act surly and egotistical, you’ll find yourself on your own. Go take a shower while I find you something suitable to wear.”

She turned away from him, not worried in the least about him having a comeback to her words. Ace stood there for a moment, wondering if she was right—wondering if he should tuck tail and do her bidding. He sort of liked the thought of that.

But instead, he moved toward her. Ace wasn’t the type of man who ran from a challenge, and Dakota was throwing one after another at him. It was time he showed her he wasn’t the typical pushover she dealt with.

Dakota turned just in time for him to reach around her and haul her up against him. She didn’t seem as composed anymore as he looked into her eyes for a beautiful moment. He grinned at her and then crushed his mouth against hers.

The kiss was even better than he’d imagined. Her soft lips instantly molded to his, and he swept his tongue inside her mouth, feeling as if he’d arrived home. One hand tugged against her hips as he pressed against her. He was leaving no doubt whatsoever in her mind about how much he wanted her.

Ace was losing his sense of reality as she reached up and tugged his hair, her hungry groan captured by his mouth. He gripped her tight ass and squeezed, his body throbbing painfully.

Pushing forward, he pressed her against the window and ravaged her mouth, his hands sliding up her hips, tickling the undersides of her luscious breasts. She was incredible, with curves in all the right places and tight muscles where he appreciated them the most.

Breaking away from her mouth, he ran his tongue down her jaw before he sucked the skin where her pulse was beating out of control. She groaned again, and the sound pulsed in time to the beat of his erection. He could practically taste sweet relief in the air.

“Let’s take advantage of this room,” he said, his voice vibrating against her skin. Yep, the little brain was most certainly winning his internal battle.

Dakota moved her hands to grip his face, and the desire sparking in her eyes gave him hope. She was a sexual woman and she wanted him, that much was incredibly clear.

“Mmm, Ace, you are a temptation that should most certainly come with a warning label,” she said, her swollen lips turning up. “But you aren’t getting into my pants—or I should say into my dress . . .” She paused, and his heart thudded. “At least not tonight.”

Ace’s breathing was out of control as he waited for whatever this dynamic woman was going to say next. He had never been as on edge as he was in this particular moment. He was most certainly her captive audience, and she knew it.

“We might get to enjoy each other, but you have to play nice first,” she said. Then she pushed him away.

Ace knew he could challenge her, knew he could pull her close and have her be his willing puppet if he pushed the matter. But he found he had entirely too much respect for this woman to even attempt that.

He had to close his eyes and take a few calming breaths as he fought the urges of his body with the rationality of his mind. He also had a feeling that taking her once would never be enough. If he opened this door, he was going to be her willing slave. What frightened him was how much he didn’t care about that.

“What do you define as playing nice?” he asked.

She moved farther away from him, going back to looking through clothes. She didn’t say anything as she dug out a pair of slacks and a polo shirt. He hadn’t shared clothes with his brothers in a long time, but he didn’t have much of a choice at the moment. It was either that or a sticky tux.

“You might want to wash out your underwear and blow-dry them,” she said as she tossed the clothes on the bed and then moved toward the door. He wanted to rush to her and grab her, tell her there was no way she was leaving him in this condition. His feet seemed planted to the floor, though.

“You haven’t answered my question,” he said, happy when she turned back around and looked at him. “And maybe I don’t wear underwear.”

At those words, she glanced down to the large bulge in his pants, and he pulsed. He hurt so damn much. Just a simple stroke of her fingers or those full lips and he’d explode in the most beautiful of ways.

“This is a day-by-day thing, Ace. You’ll figure out the rules as we play the game,” she said with a beaming smile. Ace couldn’t help but grin back at her.

“I think this is a game I’m going to win,” he assured her.

She opened the hotel room door, still grinning at him. “I hope so,” she said. Then she stepped through the opening and walked away from him. He’d thought the sound of the door closing when they’d entered the room had been unusually loud, but the clicking of the door as she exited was like a bullet to his chest.

He stood there for a long time, looking at the shut door, his body on fire, his heart thundering, and his mind filled with a million questions. This woman was the best thing to enter his life in many years.

Stripping the rest of his clothes away, he found himself grinning from ear to ear as he took a quick shower. His body might be throbbing, and his blood felt like lava in his veins, but it was all worth it. Ace had no doubt whatsoever that he was going to get the girl.

With that knowledge, he did as she suggested and found himself hand drying his underwear before he hurried into his new clothes. He wanted to get back down to the party and chase the girl. This was one mission he wasn’t allowing himself to lose. He just hoped she was ready for him. She didn’t have any other choice.