He pushed down his odd emotions. They weren’t necessary. What she needed from him tonight was his full attention, to be left with only good memories from their time together.

“You’re such a smooth talker,” she said as the waiter approached.

“I didn’t order the main course. Think I can guess what you’d prefer?” he asked, making sure his voice was light.

“So far, you’ve been spot on, Mr. Armstrong. Let’s see if you can keep it up.”

She pulled her fingers back as she sipped on her wine and had another piece of shrimp. Mav spoke to the waiter. He was so unfocused right now, it was hard to be away from her touch. It was almost as if she were grounding him to the Earth.

That was a ridiculous notion.

For one thing, he didn’t want to be grounded. He was happiest when he was high in the sky, flying at top speeds, only a contrail behind him to show the path he’d just taken. For another, they were good together but didn’t need each other to survive.

He would have to remind himself of that a lot tonight.

They continued their meal, eating asparagus ravioli, and orzo with roasted carrots and dill, along with another bottle of excellent wine. Maverick could feel the buzz from the liquor, but it was nothing compared to the buzz he felt from simply being in Lindsey’s presence as she nibbled and sipped.

“This is so good. You need to have a taste,” she told him as she scooped a portion of artichoke cheese dip onto a piece of crusty bread and held it out to him.

Taking a bite from the bread, his tongue swirled across her fingers. He was at the end of what he could handle.

“Delicious,” he told her, their eyes locking, hers dilating as his groin flexed.

She leaned toward him, and he pushed the food aside as he took a taste of her lips, her own flavor mixed with those of the food and drink they’d been devouring. Leaning back, the desire was clear in her dark eyes.

“Are you going to be okay, sugar?” he asked as he looked deeply into her gaze.

She was as startled by the question as he was by asking it. They both felt the slight hint of sadness in the air. He had been trying to hide it from her, just like she was doing an unsuccessful job at keeping her emotions from him.

“What do you mean?” she asked, stalling for time.

“I just need to know that you’ll be okay,” he said. This was by far the most important thing to him, he realized.

She analyzed the question, which he was grateful for. He wanted to make sure she was taking it seriously.

“Yes, I think I will be,” she told him and then she smiled.

“Good. I want all your dreams to come true. I want to make sure you don’t live in the past and you don’t let fears haunt you,” he told her.

“You’ve helped me more than any other person in my life, Mav. There aren’t words I could properly say that could ever express how grateful I am to you. And honestly, I’m going to be okay.”

“Then why the sadness?” he asked as he gripped her fingers. There would never be a time when the feel of her would get old. Why he was pushing her, he didn’t know. They both were feeling a slight edge of urgency and sadness.

Did he want her to say it? Did he want her to tell him that their parting wasn’t what she wanted? What would he do if she did say that? Would he stay? He didn’t know.

She knew that their time was coming to a close, and she was just as reluctant to see that happen. So why wasn’t one of them trying to stop it, he wondered. It didn’t make sense. But nothing about their relationship made sense if he were being honest with himself.

“I’m not sad. I’ve enjoyed our time together,” she replied, before looking down, breaking the intense connection between them.

“Life has a way of getting in the way, doesn’t it?” he said, attempting a chuckle.

“Why don’t we just not think about any of that tonight?” she suggested. She looked back up and gazed at him with a boldness in her eyes he hadn’t seen before.

He thought over her words, and didn’t see a flaw in them. She was ready for him to let her go, but not tonight. No, tonight was about pleasure, love, and romance.

Tomorrow they could both think about the decisions they’d made in life.

“Dessert?” he asked.

“I’m more than ready for that,” she told him, fire burning in her gaze.

They were both on the same slate as to what dessert was going to be.

He didn’t say another word, just threw down a wad of money for their meal and then stood up. He needed to get her back to her place. He wasn’t letting her out of bed the rest of the night.


In some ways, Lindsey’s heart was shattering, but in other ways it was healing. She knew this was her last night with Maverick.

This wouldn’t be the final time she saw him, but it would be the last time they were together in a romantic way. Instead of dwelling on that fact, she would embrace it as she embraced him and end their time together on a memorable note.

She’d fought being with the man—hadn’t thought she needed him, but now she realized he’d been her savior. He’d helped her conquer her fears. And she’d discovered that she hadn’t had to lose a piece of herself if she were with a man.

She would be able to love herself and somebody else. Her forever person just wouldn’t be Maverick Armstrong.

But for tonight, he was hers—and she was his.

The moment they stepped back into her cottage, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with both tenderness and passion. Her body rose in temperature as he slowly walked them to her bedroom, not bothering to shut the door. It was only the two of them in the place—in what felt like the entire universe. shed down his odd emotions. They weren’t necessary. What she needed from him tonight was his full attention, to be left with only good memories from their time together.

“You’re such a smooth talker,” she said as the waiter approached.

“I didn’t order the main course. Think I can guess what you’d prefer?” he asked, making sure his voice was light.

“So far, you’ve been spot on, Mr. Armstrong. Let’s see if you can keep it up.”

She pulled her fingers back as she sipped on her wine and had another piece of shrimp. Mav spoke to the waiter. He was so unfocused right now, it was hard to be away from her touch. It was almost as if she were grounding him to the Earth.

That was a ridiculous notion.

For one thing, he didn’t want to be grounded. He was happiest when he was high in the sky, flying at top speeds, only a contrail behind him to show the path he’d just taken. For another, they were good together but didn’t need each other to survive.

He would have to remind himself of that a lot tonight.

They continued their meal, eating asparagus ravioli, and orzo with roasted carrots and dill, along with another bottle of excellent wine. Maverick could feel the buzz from the liquor, but it was nothing compared to the buzz he felt from simply being in Lindsey’s presence as she nibbled and sipped.

“This is so good. You need to have a taste,” she told him as she scooped a portion of artichoke cheese dip onto a piece of crusty bread and held it out to him.

Taking a bite from the bread, his tongue swirled across her fingers. He was at the end of what he could handle.

“Delicious,” he told her, their eyes locking, hers dilating as his groin flexed.

She leaned toward him, and he pushed the food aside as he took a taste of her lips, her own flavor mixed with those of the food and drink they’d been devouring. Leaning back, the desire was clear in her dark eyes.

“Are you going to be okay, sugar?” he asked as he looked deeply into her gaze.

She was as startled by the question as he was by asking it. They both felt the slight hint of sadness in the air. He had been trying to hide it from her, just like she was doing an unsuccessful job at keeping her emotions from him.

“What do you mean?” she asked, stalling for time.

“I just need to know that you’ll be okay,” he said. This was by far the most important thing to him, he realized.

She analyzed the question, which he was grateful for. He wanted to make sure she was taking it seriously.

“Yes, I think I will be,” she told him and then she smiled.

“Good. I want all your dreams to come true. I want to make sure you don’t live in the past and you don’t let fears haunt you,” he told her.

“You’ve helped me more than any other person in my life, Mav. There aren’t words I could properly say that could ever express how grateful I am to you. And honestly, I’m going to be okay.”

“Then why the sadness?” he asked as he gripped her fingers. There would never be a time when the feel of her would get old. Why he was pushing her, he didn’t know. They both were feeling a slight edge of urgency and sadness.

Did he want her to say it? Did he want her to tell him that their parting wasn’t what she wanted? What would he do if she did say that? Would he stay? He didn’t know.

She knew that their time was coming to a close, and she was just as reluctant to see that happen. So why wasn’t one of them trying to stop it, he wondered. It didn’t make sense. But nothing about their relationship made sense if he were being honest with himself.

“I’m not sad. I’ve enjoyed our time together,” she replied, before looking down, breaking the intense connection between them.

“Life has a way of getting in the way, doesn’t it?” he said, attempting a chuckle.

“Why don’t we just not think about any of that tonight?” she suggested. She looked back up and gazed at him with a boldness in her eyes he hadn’t seen before.

He thought over her words, and didn’t see a flaw in them. She was ready for him to let her go, but not tonight. No, tonight was about pleasure, love, and romance.

Tomorrow they could both think about the decisions they’d made in life.

“Dessert?” he asked.

“I’m more than ready for that,” she told him, fire burning in her gaze.

They were both on the same slate as to what dessert was going to be.

He didn’t say another word, just threw down a wad of money for their meal and then stood up. He needed to get her back to her place. He wasn’t letting her out of bed the rest of the night.


In some ways, Lindsey’s heart was shattering, but in other ways it was healing. She knew this was her last night with Maverick.

This wouldn’t be the final time she saw him, but it would be the last time they were together in a romantic way. Instead of dwelling on that fact, she would embrace it as she embraced him and end their time together on a memorable note.

She’d fought being with the man—hadn’t thought she needed him, but now she realized he’d been her savior. He’d helped her conquer her fears. And she’d discovered that she hadn’t had to lose a piece of herself if she were with a man.

She would be able to love herself and somebody else. Her forever person just wouldn’t be Maverick Armstrong.

But for tonight, he was hers—and she was his.

The moment they stepped back into her cottage, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with both tenderness and passion. Her body rose in temperature as he slowly walked them to her bedroom, not bothering to shut the door. It was only the two of them in the place—in what felt like the entire universe.