She glanced back at the BMW. Terrie’s pale face was mashed up against the window, her eyes wide, her mouth moving like she was talking to herself. Or maybe getting ready to scream when her older sister’s spilled blood turned the snow red as those brake lights—

The sound of the window going down brought Elle’s head around.

With a gasp, she jumped back. The man staring out at her had gunmetal-gray piercings running up one ear, and another set on his eyebrow, and one on the side of his nose. His hair was jet black and stained with purple. His clothes were black and he was wearing a leather jacket. One eye was blue, the other green, and there was the tattoo of a purple tear under one of them.

He was not smiling.

He looked like he never smiled. Unless he was tearing someone’s head off with his bare hands.

As he stared down at her, he was clearly sizing her up for target practice… in a way that made where she had gotten lost seem like a war zone.

Elle put her hands up. “Never mind. I, ah, I made a mistake—”

Stumbling away, she started walking fast back to her sister, trying to make it seem like she was, you know, calm. But when the driver’s door opened with a creak, she fucked that lie right off and began to run. Slipping, falling, scrambling, she focused on Terrie, who started to scream and pound at the window with little fists.

Like that was going to do anything.

The decision to go out had been a simple whim back home. Now, it was going to cost her and her sister their lives.

All she wanted was her dad.


The Black Dagger Brotherhood Mansion

Have you ever had wedding cake?”

Blaylock, son of Rocke, looked up from the December 12th issue of The New Yorker. Bitty, a.k.a. Rhage and Mary’s daughter, was standing just inside the library’s archway, a diminutive figure poised to enter the land of wood paneling and leather-bound books. She was wearing leggings and another one of her dad’s black button-downs, the tails of the shirt falling below her knobby knees, the sleeves rolled up her thin arms, the collar flopping on her shoulders. Her dark and shiny hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she had a steno notebook and a pen in her hand. She looked like a reporter on a lead.

He nodded down at her feet. “Nice slippers.”

The girl picked up one of the fluffy pink unicorns. The things had silver lamé horns, rainbow manes and tails, and expressions of unease, the smiles not quite stitched on right. Actually, the poor things looked nauseous, like the small feet in their insides were too much of a meal.

“They’re part of the uniform,” Bitty said.

“For what?”

“The Party Planning Committee.”

“Did Fritz mandate this?” Weird. The Black Dagger Brotherhood’s butler supreme was more like the spit-and-polish military-shoe type.

“No, Lassiter.”

Blay closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the cushions of the sofa. “Well, I think that is just great.”

“You don’t look like you think it’s great. You look like you ate too much.”

Ah, so he was imitating the unicorns.

He releveled himself. “Is the Party Planning Committee working on anything specific right now?”

A Golden Girls–themed celebration of Taco Tuesday? Rainbow Dash does the second Saturday in December because… it was not the first or the third Saturday? No, wait, George’s birthday was coming up. Maybe they’d all have hamburgers and play with chew toys to honor Wrath’s beloved guide dog?

At least that last one didn’t seem so bad.

Bitty tapped her steno pad. “We’re gathering a list of parties. Vampire and otherwise. And then we’re going to plan them as training.”

“Oh, that’s smart. And I’ve never had wedding cake, no. But I’m sure Fritz and the doggen can whip one up for you.”