Qhuinn waited patiently, and when the tippy-tapping ended, he snagged the unit and put it facedown on the bedside table. “Hi.”

Blay glanced at the phone. “Hi?”

“Come here.” To give the guy some guidance, he reached out and took a hold of the front of his mate’s shirt to pull him in. “Hi.”

Their lips met briefly, and when Blay went to ease back, Qhuinn tightened his grip on that shirt.

“Mmmm,” he said as he got more of that mouth.

Things were going in absolutely the right direction as he licked his way into his male, his tongue sneaking in, taking and giving, stroking—

“Fuck,” he hissed. And not in a good way.

With a groan, he flopped onto his back again and put a hand over the gauze and packing tape that was on his belly. The weight of his palm alone was enough to further aggravate the sharp-shooter, so he let his arm slide to the side. Besides, like touching the sutures was going to help?

“Let’s hold off,” Blay said reasonably. As he rearranged himself inside his slacks.

“No.” Qhuinn tugged on that shirt again. “Gimme. You promised.”

“I did not.” Blay started to smile in a half-lidded way. “I did no such thing.”

“Fine, the promise was implied. By your erection.” Tug. Tug. Tug. “I locked the door. And no one’s down here.”

“Qhuinn, you can’t even get on your side—”

The gasp that cut off all that being-logical was so damned gratifying. And exactly what Qhuinn had been going for as he’d transferred his hand from the buttons on that fine, pressed dress shirt to a rather tented region south of the waistband of those fine, pressed slacks.

Right onto the hard length of Blay’s arousal, actually.

“I told you before,” Qhuinn murmured as he ran his pierced tongue over his upper lip. “I don’t have to move much. You can do the active part. I’ll just open my mouth.”


Okay, that was a yes. That tone, with its pleading lilt, was a total, fucking, red-hot yes.

“All you have to do is put it in. Then pull it out. After that, you push it in deeper, to the back of my throat. And out again. You do the work. I’ll just suck on you. Lick on you. Make you come in my—”

The groan that Blay let out was so long, so tortured, so hungry that it made Qhuinn’s hips jerk of their own volition.

“That’s right,” he said as he lowered his lids. “Let me see you unzip and take it out.”

Blay looked to the door. “We’re locked in?”


Now, all things considered, Qhuinn had no problem having sex in front of an audience. Then again, when you were good at something, showing off was hardly a character flaw. His lover didn’t feel the same way, though, and Blay’s need for privacy was something that was always respected.

And hey, the truth was, Qhuinn liked the fact that his male only shared that side of himself with the one who loved him most in the world.

“Let me see it,” Qhuinn prompted as Blay stood up from the chair. “I want to see it…”

Blay’s hands trembled as they went to the belt, to the button, to the zipper at the front of those slacks. Fumble, fumble… then the two halves were yanked wide.

The enormous erection that burst out was exactly what Qhuinn was looking for.

“Commando,” he moaned with approval. “It’s meant to be.”

As his mate’s dagger hand encircled the thick shaft, Qhuinn did some groaning of his own. Except then Blay took a sharp step back.