They’d gone about ten yards when alarms started to sound.

“Sonofabitch,” Xhex muttered. “Fucking Apple. Give me that goddamn watch.”

Clearly, the man had triggered something at his wrist, and Murhder looked over his shoulder as a struggle started. John ended up grabbing the back of the man’s head and shoving him face-first into the expanse of frosted glass, those features mashing up under the pressure, blood smudging as the nose started to bleed.

The man was stripped of whatever had been on his wrist, and then John cuffed him and shoved a bandana into his mouth as Xhex provided cover.

Once more with feeling, Murhder thought as they resumed their trek for a second time. Dr. Kraiten continued fighting against the hold on him, but there was no doubt Xhex would handle it.

Some distance further, the guard stopped in front of a door and took out a pass card. One swipe and they were inside some kind of office space, nothing but desks in cubicles and a conference table and a little break area.

“Goddamn it,” Murhder muttered. In a louder voice, he said to the guard, “No, we want the research lab where they keep the—”

The sound of an air lock releasing brought everyone’s head around to the right. And then Murhder’s heart stopped in the center of his chest.

Two figures broke into the office area at a dead run. One was a pretrans boy with dark hair and bony arms and legs showing from the hems and sleeves of a pale blue hospital johnny.

And the other …

… was a human female in what appeared to be some kind of bright blue protective gear. She had her hair pulled back from her face, and as she looked across at Murhder, her beautiful eyes widened in fear.

Dearest Virgin Scribe, he could not breathe.

All these years … he had been wrong.

Hers was the face he saw in the sacred glass.

This was the female he was destined for.

Sarah could not believe what she was looking at, and she instinctively put her body in front of the boy’s so she could shield him.

For some completely inexplicable reason, her brain was telling her that, just as she was wondering how in the hell she was going to get the child out of the facility, three commandos dressed in black and draped in weapons showed up not only with a security guard who looked like he was hypnotized, but Dr. Kraiten himself handcuffed, gagged and in a chokehold.

The good news? The military types seemed equally surprised to see her—so much so they didn’t even point their guns at her. But she had a feeling that was a “yet” kind of thing.

Were they from a foreign … government looking … to raid secrets …

Abruptly, her brain went offline, all her cognition just grinding to a halt.

The commando with the red-and-black hair was what did it. Even though there were all kinds of reasons to stay completely plugged into the present danger, some part of her took the wheel of her mind and trained all of her awareness on him and him alone. He was incredibly tall and well built, and that hair was amazing, long, thick and obviously professionally colored—although why a soldier would spend time on his physical appearance she had no idea. And his face … he was arrestingly handsome, a Jon Hamm type, with bold features that nonetheless weren’t coarse.

And then there were his eyes. His astonishing peach eyes were staring at her as if, for some unknown reason, he recognized her—

“You’re my kind.” The child stepped out from behind her. “My mother, did she send you here?”

As the little boy spoke over the alarms that were going off, his voice woke everyone back up, Sarah jumping to attention, the commando shaking his head as if he were clearing it.

“Yes,” the commando said roughly. “Your mahmen sent us, and we need to leave—”

Sarah put her hand on the boy’s shoulder and restrained him from running off. “The only place he and I are going is to the proper authorities—”

“No,” the commando interrupted. “He has to come with us.”

“Then show me some proper ID.” Maybe they were SWAT, just unmarked? “Are you from the FBI, then?”

Dr. Kraiten spit out the gag in his mouth and added his cold, cutting tone to the party. “Dr. Watkins, what are you doing in this restricted access area!”

Leave it to a guy like him to worry about his precious security clearances rather than the fact that he was clearly a hostage.

On that note, fuck him very much. “What the hell have you been doing with this child,” she yelled. “You know they’re pumping him full of disease! You know everything that goes on here—”

Kraiten hollered right back over the din of the alarms. “I’m going to put you in jail for trespassing! You don’t have clearance to be here—”

Cue the slow motion.

Before Sarah could stop herself, blind fury at the fact that the man hadn’t denied they’d been torturing a child set her in motion. On a running leap, she threw herself at him without knowing what she was going to do. Punch? Kick? Yell some more?

And the attack was about more than just the secret, unethical medical program.

Gerry had been involved.

Gerry, so brilliant, so kind, so principled, had come here, worked here … and fallen into something that either changed him fundamentally or entrapped him into doing the unthinkable.

She would never know which was the case.

But goddamn it, she could physically hurt Kraiten.

And she did. Sarah Watkins—scientist, semi-nerd, all-around good girl who had colored inside the lines her entire life—threw an airborne right punch directly at Robert Kraiten’s face.

She’d been aiming for the nose.

She nailed him straight in the eye.

That was as far as it got. The next thing she knew, Kraiten was bent at the waist and cursing, and she was being drawn back with gentle, but firm hands.

Sarah knew who had taken hold of her without having to look. And Red-and-Black’s cologne was something else. Dark, sensual spices, the kind of thing she had never smelled before, got into her nose and didn’t stop at her sinuses. The scent somehow went through her entire body.

“We’ll take care of him,” the commando said into her ear. “Don’t you worry.”

She looked up over her shoulder. Way up.

His peach eyes were too bright, and not in the sense that he was high. More like they were backlit by an ethereal energy, the blue/green irises capable, it seemed, of glowing in the dark.

It was as she stared into that incredible color that the combination of words he had spoken caught up with the language center in her brain.

We’ll take care of him.

Everything about the man, from the Kevlar vest across his chest to the weapons on the rest of his body, suggested that whatever all that meant, going through proper legal channels was not going to be part of it. And the end result was bound to include a headstone and a deep hole into the earth.

And what do you know, that outcome was not something she was inclined to protest.

“Who are you?” she breathed.

“We came to rescue the boy,” the man said in a hoarse voice. “He’s been here too long.”

“Are you with the government?”

“We’re private actors. But we’ll keep him safe, I swear to it. No harm is ever going to fall upon him if I’m around. It was my vow to his mahmen.” rsquo;d gone about ten yards when alarms started to sound.

“Sonofabitch,” Xhex muttered. “Fucking Apple. Give me that goddamn watch.”

Clearly, the man had triggered something at his wrist, and Murhder looked over his shoulder as a struggle started. John ended up grabbing the back of the man’s head and shoving him face-first into the expanse of frosted glass, those features mashing up under the pressure, blood smudging as the nose started to bleed.

The man was stripped of whatever had been on his wrist, and then John cuffed him and shoved a bandana into his mouth as Xhex provided cover.

Once more with feeling, Murhder thought as they resumed their trek for a second time. Dr. Kraiten continued fighting against the hold on him, but there was no doubt Xhex would handle it.

Some distance further, the guard stopped in front of a door and took out a pass card. One swipe and they were inside some kind of office space, nothing but desks in cubicles and a conference table and a little break area.

“Goddamn it,” Murhder muttered. In a louder voice, he said to the guard, “No, we want the research lab where they keep the—”

The sound of an air lock releasing brought everyone’s head around to the right. And then Murhder’s heart stopped in the center of his chest.

Two figures broke into the office area at a dead run. One was a pretrans boy with dark hair and bony arms and legs showing from the hems and sleeves of a pale blue hospital johnny.

And the other …

… was a human female in what appeared to be some kind of bright blue protective gear. She had her hair pulled back from her face, and as she looked across at Murhder, her beautiful eyes widened in fear.

Dearest Virgin Scribe, he could not breathe.

All these years … he had been wrong.

Hers was the face he saw in the sacred glass.

This was the female he was destined for.

Sarah could not believe what she was looking at, and she instinctively put her body in front of the boy’s so she could shield him.

For some completely inexplicable reason, her brain was telling her that, just as she was wondering how in the hell she was going to get the child out of the facility, three commandos dressed in black and draped in weapons showed up not only with a security guard who looked like he was hypnotized, but Dr. Kraiten himself handcuffed, gagged and in a chokehold.

The good news? The military types seemed equally surprised to see her—so much so they didn’t even point their guns at her. But she had a feeling that was a “yet” kind of thing.

Were they from a foreign … government looking … to raid secrets …

Abruptly, her brain went offline, all her cognition just grinding to a halt.

The commando with the red-and-black hair was what did it. Even though there were all kinds of reasons to stay completely plugged into the present danger, some part of her took the wheel of her mind and trained all of her awareness on him and him alone. He was incredibly tall and well built, and that hair was amazing, long, thick and obviously professionally colored—although why a soldier would spend time on his physical appearance she had no idea. And his face … he was arrestingly handsome, a Jon Hamm type, with bold features that nonetheless weren’t coarse.

And then there were his eyes. His astonishing peach eyes were staring at her as if, for some unknown reason, he recognized her—

“You’re my kind.” The child stepped out from behind her. “My mother, did she send you here?”

As the little boy spoke over the alarms that were going off, his voice woke everyone back up, Sarah jumping to attention, the commando shaking his head as if he were clearing it.

“Yes,” the commando said roughly. “Your mahmen sent us, and we need to leave—”

Sarah put her hand on the boy’s shoulder and restrained him from running off. “The only place he and I are going is to the proper authorities—”

“No,” the commando interrupted. “He has to come with us.”

“Then show me some proper ID.” Maybe they were SWAT, just unmarked? “Are you from the FBI, then?”

Dr. Kraiten spit out the gag in his mouth and added his cold, cutting tone to the party. “Dr. Watkins, what are you doing in this restricted access area!”

Leave it to a guy like him to worry about his precious security clearances rather than the fact that he was clearly a hostage.

On that note, fuck him very much. “What the hell have you been doing with this child,” she yelled. “You know they’re pumping him full of disease! You know everything that goes on here—”

Kraiten hollered right back over the din of the alarms. “I’m going to put you in jail for trespassing! You don’t have clearance to be here—”

Cue the slow motion.

Before Sarah could stop herself, blind fury at the fact that the man hadn’t denied they’d been torturing a child set her in motion. On a running leap, she threw herself at him without knowing what she was going to do. Punch? Kick? Yell some more?

And the attack was about more than just the secret, unethical medical program.

Gerry had been involved.

Gerry, so brilliant, so kind, so principled, had come here, worked here … and fallen into something that either changed him fundamentally or entrapped him into doing the unthinkable.

She would never know which was the case.

But goddamn it, she could physically hurt Kraiten.

And she did. Sarah Watkins—scientist, semi-nerd, all-around good girl who had colored inside the lines her entire life—threw an airborne right punch directly at Robert Kraiten’s face.

She’d been aiming for the nose.

She nailed him straight in the eye.

That was as far as it got. The next thing she knew, Kraiten was bent at the waist and cursing, and she was being drawn back with gentle, but firm hands.

Sarah knew who had taken hold of her without having to look. And Red-and-Black’s cologne was something else. Dark, sensual spices, the kind of thing she had never smelled before, got into her nose and didn’t stop at her sinuses. The scent somehow went through her entire body.

“We’ll take care of him,” the commando said into her ear. “Don’t you worry.”

She looked up over her shoulder. Way up.

His peach eyes were too bright, and not in the sense that he was high. More like they were backlit by an ethereal energy, the blue/green irises capable, it seemed, of glowing in the dark.

It was as she stared into that incredible color that the combination of words he had spoken caught up with the language center in her brain.

We’ll take care of him.

Everything about the man, from the Kevlar vest across his chest to the weapons on the rest of his body, suggested that whatever all that meant, going through proper legal channels was not going to be part of it. And the end result was bound to include a headstone and a deep hole into the earth.

And what do you know, that outcome was not something she was inclined to protest.

“Who are you?” she breathed.

“We came to rescue the boy,” the man said in a hoarse voice. “He’s been here too long.”

“Are you with the government?”

“We’re private actors. But we’ll keep him safe, I swear to it. No harm is ever going to fall upon him if I’m around. It was my vow to his mahmen.”