God, what in the world made them think this was going to work, he wondered.

“It will kill me if we can’t do this because of my curse.”

“We can’t think like that.” She picked up his hand and kissed it. “We just can’t.”

“Fine, so assume we pass. Whatever that looks like. What then?”

“After that, if we were to follow human procedure, Rhym would come and do a site visit at the mansion. But it’s a little different considering where we live and with who.”

“Whatever, if someone has to come here, I’ll take care of that.”

“Well, let’s see what she wants to do, okay?” Mary tucked her hair back. “And listen, while we were talking . . . Bitty’s been through so much—and so much so recently. I really think it’s better for everyone if we start off in a foster kind of relationship.”

“No. I don’t want to lose her—”

“Hear me out. Bitty’s just lost her mother. It’s important that she not feel as though we’re trying to eclipse anything. I think when we talk to her, we tell her that she’s welcome to stay at Safe Place for however long she wants. Or she could come here with us.”

“Can we bribe the kid?”

Mary laughed in a burst. “What? No!”

“Aw, come on, Mary. What do you think she’d like? Ice cream? Unlimited T.V. privileges? A pony, for crissakes. Or can I just buy her off with a handbag. Is she that age yet?”

Mary batted at his chest. “No, you cannot buy her off.” Then she dropped her voice. “I think she’s an animal lover. When in doubt, we’ll play the Boo/George card—with pictures.”

Rhage laughed and pulled his female in for a kiss. “Have you thought about where she could stay in the house? I mean . . . if it actually goes down?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, but it’s going to mean some reorganization. And a move for us.”

“To where? The Pit is full, and Butch and V swear like truckers. They’re worse than me.”

“Well, I thought maybe we could ask Trez if he’d be willing to switch rooms with us? We could be up on the third floor in those bedrooms he and iAm use? I mean, both suites are their own spaces and have their own bathrooms, but we’d be so close if Bitty needed us.”

“That’s a great idea.”


Holding his Mary against him, he became curiously aware of the great space that surrounded them. In the dim lighting, the gym’s contours and corners were mostly obscured in shadow, the bald bleachers, the ropes that hung from the ceiling, the basketball markings on the shiny pine floors nothing but footnotes in the cavernous interior.

Rhage frowned, thinking there was a metaphor here.

The world was kind of like this, vast and empty except for who you loved, nothing but a warmer version of space filled with random junk you bumped into. The grounding was your family, your friends, your tribe of like minds. Without that?

He broke away and started to walk around.

No pirouettes for him.


He thought about what she’d said, about those meetings with the social worker, him with his beast, her with her . . . unusual situation. And then he remembered lying on the field of that abandoned campus, him on the ground, her over him, his Mary fighting to keep him alive even though they had an out that in a moment like that was a miracle, indeed.

When he stopped, it was on the free-throw line. No basketball in his hands, no hoop to shoot it through, no line-ups of teammates and opponents. There was an urgency, though.

He stared up to where the basket would have been, if the great metal arm with its glass square had been lowered from the ceiling into place.

“Mary, I want you to promise me something.”


Looking over at her, he found it difficult to speak, and he had to clear his throat. “If we . . . if you and I end up with Bitty? If we take her in as our own, I want you to promise . . .” The center of his chest began to burn. “If I die, you have to stay here with her. You can’t leave her behind, okay? If I go, you stay. I won’t have that little girl losing another full set of parents. Not gonna happen.”

Mary put her hand to her mouth and closed her eyes, lowering her head.

“I’ll wait for you,” he said hoarsely. “If I die, I’ll wait for you in the Fade just like everyone else does. Hell, I’ll watch over the two of you from the clouds. I’ll be an angel to you both. But you . . . you have to stay with her.”

Bitty, after all, was going to live longer than he would. That was the way you hoped and prayed it worked. Children succeeded their parents, took their places, walked in future paths carrying on the traditions and the lessons so that that which had been passed down could be passed on again.

It was immortality for the mortal.

And that was true whether you birthed your young or opened your arms to them.

“You stay here, Mary.”

* * *

As the implications of Rhage’s request started to sink in, Mary felt her heart pound and her body break out in a cold sweat.

Even though she had confessed a desire to keep him on the planet for exactly the rationale he was laying out, to hear him put it like that? The whole thing made her queasy, returning her to that moment when she’d thought she was going to lose him—even though, at that time, she’d been aware she could go find him in the Fade. what in the world made them think this was going to work, he wondered.

“It will kill me if we can’t do this because of my curse.”

“We can’t think like that.” She picked up his hand and kissed it. “We just can’t.”

“Fine, so assume we pass. Whatever that looks like. What then?”

“After that, if we were to follow human procedure, Rhym would come and do a site visit at the mansion. But it’s a little different considering where we live and with who.”

“Whatever, if someone has to come here, I’ll take care of that.”

“Well, let’s see what she wants to do, okay?” Mary tucked her hair back. “And listen, while we were talking . . . Bitty’s been through so much—and so much so recently. I really think it’s better for everyone if we start off in a foster kind of relationship.”

“No. I don’t want to lose her—”

“Hear me out. Bitty’s just lost her mother. It’s important that she not feel as though we’re trying to eclipse anything. I think when we talk to her, we tell her that she’s welcome to stay at Safe Place for however long she wants. Or she could come here with us.”

“Can we bribe the kid?”

Mary laughed in a burst. “What? No!”

“Aw, come on, Mary. What do you think she’d like? Ice cream? Unlimited T.V. privileges? A pony, for crissakes. Or can I just buy her off with a handbag. Is she that age yet?”

Mary batted at his chest. “No, you cannot buy her off.” Then she dropped her voice. “I think she’s an animal lover. When in doubt, we’ll play the Boo/George card—with pictures.”

Rhage laughed and pulled his female in for a kiss. “Have you thought about where she could stay in the house? I mean . . . if it actually goes down?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, but it’s going to mean some reorganization. And a move for us.”

“To where? The Pit is full, and Butch and V swear like truckers. They’re worse than me.”

“Well, I thought maybe we could ask Trez if he’d be willing to switch rooms with us? We could be up on the third floor in those bedrooms he and iAm use? I mean, both suites are their own spaces and have their own bathrooms, but we’d be so close if Bitty needed us.”

“That’s a great idea.”


Holding his Mary against him, he became curiously aware of the great space that surrounded them. In the dim lighting, the gym’s contours and corners were mostly obscured in shadow, the bald bleachers, the ropes that hung from the ceiling, the basketball markings on the shiny pine floors nothing but footnotes in the cavernous interior.

Rhage frowned, thinking there was a metaphor here.

The world was kind of like this, vast and empty except for who you loved, nothing but a warmer version of space filled with random junk you bumped into. The grounding was your family, your friends, your tribe of like minds. Without that?

He broke away and started to walk around.

No pirouettes for him.


He thought about what she’d said, about those meetings with the social worker, him with his beast, her with her . . . unusual situation. And then he remembered lying on the field of that abandoned campus, him on the ground, her over him, his Mary fighting to keep him alive even though they had an out that in a moment like that was a miracle, indeed.

When he stopped, it was on the free-throw line. No basketball in his hands, no hoop to shoot it through, no line-ups of teammates and opponents. There was an urgency, though.

He stared up to where the basket would have been, if the great metal arm with its glass square had been lowered from the ceiling into place.

“Mary, I want you to promise me something.”


Looking over at her, he found it difficult to speak, and he had to clear his throat. “If we . . . if you and I end up with Bitty? If we take her in as our own, I want you to promise . . .” The center of his chest began to burn. “If I die, you have to stay here with her. You can’t leave her behind, okay? If I go, you stay. I won’t have that little girl losing another full set of parents. Not gonna happen.”

Mary put her hand to her mouth and closed her eyes, lowering her head.

“I’ll wait for you,” he said hoarsely. “If I die, I’ll wait for you in the Fade just like everyone else does. Hell, I’ll watch over the two of you from the clouds. I’ll be an angel to you both. But you . . . you have to stay with her.”

Bitty, after all, was going to live longer than he would. That was the way you hoped and prayed it worked. Children succeeded their parents, took their places, walked in future paths carrying on the traditions and the lessons so that that which had been passed down could be passed on again.

It was immortality for the mortal.

And that was true whether you birthed your young or opened your arms to them.

“You stay here, Mary.”

* * *

As the implications of Rhage’s request started to sink in, Mary felt her heart pound and her body break out in a cold sweat.

Even though she had confessed a desire to keep him on the planet for exactly the rationale he was laying out, to hear him put it like that? The whole thing made her queasy, returning her to that moment when she’d thought she was going to lose him—even though, at that time, she’d been aware she could go find him in the Fade.