He ducked into every bedroom, and each appeared to correspond to a given sex, done in alternating masculine or feminine schemes.

He knew when he got to Throe’s from the aftershave that scented the air.

Now, he went inside and shut the door behind himself. Fortunately, the maids had already been through and done their tidying up, the bed made, a fresh stack of towels set in the bathroom, new flowers on the writing desk. There were few in the way of personal effects, which would be in line with a former soldier of few resources and much mobility. The closet was filled with clothes, however, many of which had tags on them, indicating new purchases.

No doubt by the lady of the house.

Back out in the room proper, he went through the drawers of the Chippendale highboy and found nothing. No weapons. No ammo. At the antique desk, he searched for papers, phone records, mail. There were none.

Pausing by the bed, he observed the paintings that hung on the silk wallpaper.

“There you are, little one.”

With a purr of satisfaction, he went across to a small framed landscape—that just happened to be ever so slightly off center.

As he removed it, the burnished face of a wall safe was revealed.

The dial was flat and red, and there were many numbers from which to spin one to another.

Where was his cat burglar when he needed her, he thought as he put back the painting.

There were no doubt ways he could get inside if he chose, but he was ill prepared for such an endeavor, and he did not want to run out of time with the fun that was transpiring downstairs—his cousins were a hardy pair, but the fucking was not going to last forever.

Measuring the gold-leafed frame of the picture, he made certain that it was exactly as off-kilter as before, no more nor less, and then he went back across the Oriental—feeling rather glad that the short-napped, multi-colored expanse would not reveal his tracks.

With a final look around, he put the doorknob to use and reemerged out in the corridor—

“May I help you?”

* * *

As Rhage waited for the male vampire down the alley to respond, he glanced up to the roof of the building across the way. Vishous had just dematerialized to that vantage point—but the brother stayed quiet and motionless.

Refocusing, Rhage called out again, “Show yourself or I’m coming to get you. And you won’t live through that, motherfucker. I guarantee it.”

Beneath his skin, the beast surged, his curse coiling and unfurling restlessly in spite of all the sex he’d been having. Then again, his instincts were at a roar. Having already been shot in the chest this week, he wasn’t looking to beat the Brotherhood’s record for near-death experiences.

“’Tis I, yet I am unarmed.”

The sound of the aristocratic voice echoed around the grungy tenaments, and then a moment later, Throe stepped out with his palms up and facing outward, his body tense.

“Do not shoot.” The male performed a slow circle. “I am unaccompanied.”

Rhage narrowed his eyes, searching for other signs of movement in that dark corner. When there were none, he zeroed in on Throe again. No weapons were visible, and the male was not dressed for fighting—unless he was looking to bitch slap Zoolander: The bastard’s threads were as nice as Butch’s, his overcoat tailored like a fine suit, his shoes gleaming even in the low light.

“Looks like you’ve had a makeover,” Rhage muttered. “Last time I saw you, your clothes weren’t that good.”

“My prospects have improved since I have left Xcor’s employ.”

“Word had it you weren’t employed, you sonofabitch. Conscripted is more like it.”

“I had a debt to repay, ’tis true. But that is done now.”

“Well, we’re not hiring. Not assholes with your résumé, at any rate.”

“May I put my arms down? They are getting rather tired.”

“Up to you. I’m a trigger-happy douche bag, though, so you might want to watch where you choose to put your hands.”

There was the sound of someone landing on two feet, and Throe wrenched around. As Vishous stepped out of the darkness right behind the guy, Rhage laughed.

“You don’t like being sneaked up on, huh.” Rhage likewise left his cover, keeping his gun up and ready. “Imagine that. And why don’t you hold the fuck still while my brother searches you.”

Vishous pounded his way around Throe’s torso and down his legs, giving the guy’s crotch a good honk. As Throe’s high-pitched squeak drifted off, the brother stepped back, but kept his forty pointed at Mr. Neiman Marcus.

“So if you’re not with Xcor, what are you doing out here?” V demanded. “You’re wearing too much cologne and you’re unarmed.”

“I was hoping to run into one of you.”

“Surprise!” Rhage quipped. “Now what do you want.”

“Did you send Assail to check up on me—or is he acting independently?”

V laughed in a hard burst. “Say what?”

“I have perfect enunciation.” Throe glanced at V. “And you are no more than three feet from me. So one can assume you heard me well enough.”

As V bared his fangs, Rhage shook his head. “You might want to rethink the attitude. My brother’s looking like he wants to turn you into confetti.”

“Well?” Throe pressed. “Did you send him to seduce me? You’d have more luck with a female—not that you would find aught out from the effort. I am retired from all conflict.” cked into every bedroom, and each appeared to correspond to a given sex, done in alternating masculine or feminine schemes.

He knew when he got to Throe’s from the aftershave that scented the air.

Now, he went inside and shut the door behind himself. Fortunately, the maids had already been through and done their tidying up, the bed made, a fresh stack of towels set in the bathroom, new flowers on the writing desk. There were few in the way of personal effects, which would be in line with a former soldier of few resources and much mobility. The closet was filled with clothes, however, many of which had tags on them, indicating new purchases.

No doubt by the lady of the house.

Back out in the room proper, he went through the drawers of the Chippendale highboy and found nothing. No weapons. No ammo. At the antique desk, he searched for papers, phone records, mail. There were none.

Pausing by the bed, he observed the paintings that hung on the silk wallpaper.

“There you are, little one.”

With a purr of satisfaction, he went across to a small framed landscape—that just happened to be ever so slightly off center.

As he removed it, the burnished face of a wall safe was revealed.

The dial was flat and red, and there were many numbers from which to spin one to another.

Where was his cat burglar when he needed her, he thought as he put back the painting.

There were no doubt ways he could get inside if he chose, but he was ill prepared for such an endeavor, and he did not want to run out of time with the fun that was transpiring downstairs—his cousins were a hardy pair, but the fucking was not going to last forever.

Measuring the gold-leafed frame of the picture, he made certain that it was exactly as off-kilter as before, no more nor less, and then he went back across the Oriental—feeling rather glad that the short-napped, multi-colored expanse would not reveal his tracks.

With a final look around, he put the doorknob to use and reemerged out in the corridor—

“May I help you?”

* * *

As Rhage waited for the male vampire down the alley to respond, he glanced up to the roof of the building across the way. Vishous had just dematerialized to that vantage point—but the brother stayed quiet and motionless.

Refocusing, Rhage called out again, “Show yourself or I’m coming to get you. And you won’t live through that, motherfucker. I guarantee it.”

Beneath his skin, the beast surged, his curse coiling and unfurling restlessly in spite of all the sex he’d been having. Then again, his instincts were at a roar. Having already been shot in the chest this week, he wasn’t looking to beat the Brotherhood’s record for near-death experiences.

“’Tis I, yet I am unarmed.”

The sound of the aristocratic voice echoed around the grungy tenaments, and then a moment later, Throe stepped out with his palms up and facing outward, his body tense.

“Do not shoot.” The male performed a slow circle. “I am unaccompanied.”

Rhage narrowed his eyes, searching for other signs of movement in that dark corner. When there were none, he zeroed in on Throe again. No weapons were visible, and the male was not dressed for fighting—unless he was looking to bitch slap Zoolander: The bastard’s threads were as nice as Butch’s, his overcoat tailored like a fine suit, his shoes gleaming even in the low light.

“Looks like you’ve had a makeover,” Rhage muttered. “Last time I saw you, your clothes weren’t that good.”

“My prospects have improved since I have left Xcor’s employ.”

“Word had it you weren’t employed, you sonofabitch. Conscripted is more like it.”

“I had a debt to repay, ’tis true. But that is done now.”

“Well, we’re not hiring. Not assholes with your résumé, at any rate.”

“May I put my arms down? They are getting rather tired.”

“Up to you. I’m a trigger-happy douche bag, though, so you might want to watch where you choose to put your hands.”

There was the sound of someone landing on two feet, and Throe wrenched around. As Vishous stepped out of the darkness right behind the guy, Rhage laughed.

“You don’t like being sneaked up on, huh.” Rhage likewise left his cover, keeping his gun up and ready. “Imagine that. And why don’t you hold the fuck still while my brother searches you.”

Vishous pounded his way around Throe’s torso and down his legs, giving the guy’s crotch a good honk. As Throe’s high-pitched squeak drifted off, the brother stepped back, but kept his forty pointed at Mr. Neiman Marcus.

“So if you’re not with Xcor, what are you doing out here?” V demanded. “You’re wearing too much cologne and you’re unarmed.”

“I was hoping to run into one of you.”

“Surprise!” Rhage quipped. “Now what do you want.”

“Did you send Assail to check up on me—or is he acting independently?”

V laughed in a hard burst. “Say what?”

“I have perfect enunciation.” Throe glanced at V. “And you are no more than three feet from me. So one can assume you heard me well enough.”

As V bared his fangs, Rhage shook his head. “You might want to rethink the attitude. My brother’s looking like he wants to turn you into confetti.”

“Well?” Throe pressed. “Did you send him to seduce me? You’d have more luck with a female—not that you would find aught out from the effort. I am retired from all conflict.”