“Dominant, yes,” I replied. They had yet to be the other two, but I imagined they would soon enough. “Oh, hello.”

Laurel and Olivia were also in the kitchen, sitting at the large table. They had mugs in front of them, and Laurel bounced a baby on her lap who seemed to be happily gnawing on a wooden ring.

Both women smiled at me. “Abigail!” Laurel cried. “We didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow.”

I frowned. “Oh?”

“Two men, two days,” she replied. “You get a two day honeymoon.” Laurel tilted her head toward Olivia. “She got three.”

“I have three husbands,” Olivia countered, a smile turning up her full lips. “As Abigail has probably already discovered, the men are a needy bunch and require equal attention.”

“Equal fucking,” Emma added.

My mouth fell open.

“Oh, don’t look like that,” Emma scolded. “The babies are too little to start babbling those words and, besides, it’s true.”

Laurel laughed. “By the blush on your cheeks, you know it’s true,” she said to me.

I couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, it’s true.”

“Coffee?” Emma handed the baby to Olivia then turned to the stove.


I took a seat across from the others and squirmed a little, my bottom sore from the plug. It hadn’t hurt, but I was unused to it, the stretching of it. My pussy warmed as my mind turned to my men and their ardent attentions, the promised words they’d left for me.


“Did you get a plug yet?” Emma asked. “I ask because you are wriggling in the chair like a woman who’s received perhaps too much attention from her husbands.”

“You are much too bold,” Laurel said, gently scolding Emma. “Give her at least a week before you pull the details from her.”

Emma gave a casual shrug. “I was mortified when they first put a plug in me. It wasn’t the first night, but when we were finally here at the ranch. They only left it in a short time, a few minutes.”

“Only—” I bit my lip at the question that slipped from my mouth.

Laurel’s eyes grew big. “You mean they put one in you for longer?”

I nodded. I couldn’t help the way my cheeks heated. I squirmed again.

Olivia reached out and patted my hand. “But you enjoyed it?”

I nodded again. She grinned.

“They knew that. They know you. And when they fuck you together…” She sighed.

So did the other ladies, almost dreamily.

“Tonight,” I blurted out. I slapped my hand over my eyes.

Laurel spoke up. “Your men have wanted you for some time. I’m sure you’ve made them quite happy. If they take you together tonight, they’ll know you’re ready, not just your body, but your mind.”

“Your heart,” Laurel added.

I dropped my hand and glanced at Emma. She nodded her agreement.

I looked down at my mug. “Yes.” What else could I say, for I agreed with them.