“Not here, surely. We don’t have a bed,” I replied, looking left and right.

“We don’t need a bed,” he countered, opening his pants and pulling out his eager cock. Lifting the hem of my dress, he picked me up. “Wrap your legs about my waist. Yes, that’s it. Fuck, I love that you aren’t wear drawers.”

“Tucker wouldn’t let me,” I grumbled.

He shifted and moved, settling his cock at my entrance.

“It’s perfect so I can do… this.”

He pressed me down and slowly filled me. Taking a step toward the wall, he leaned me against it and took me hard, fucking me in earnest, filling me full of his seed, just as he’d promised.



I was wide awake, listening to their soft breathing as they lay on either side of me. I stared at the dark shadows on the bedroom ceiling. It was the middle of the night, and I should be sound asleep as they were, for they’d been very adventurous with me all evening. Gabe had wanted me to demonstrate what I’d learned from Tucker about sucking cock. On him. As I’d licked and laved his swollen, pulsing cock, taking him as far into my throat as I could, Tucker had fucked me from behind. With a plug in my bottom. It was the first time I’d had two cocks in me at once, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last.

The plug was still lodged deep within me, and their seed was sticky on my thighs. Even though the men kept me so well pleasured I should be exhausted, I was riddled with guilt and worry. I had to tell them the truth. All of it. I had to. They needed to know about Mr. Grimsby and his threats. I didn’t want them to get hurt, but I couldn’t just ride off to Butte without telling them. The concern and kindness they’d shown to me was even greater than their ardor. I felt cherished as well as desired. Loved as well as lusted after. While they hadn’t said the L word, I felt it with their every touch, saw it with their penetrating gazes.

It would be the ultimate slap in the face if I went to Butte without any explanation. God, they’d even think perhaps that I’d left them. The idea of hurting them made a lump form in my throat, for they’d been perfect. Not once had they commented on my scar. Well, only to tell me it didn’t bother them. Then they went right on proving it to me.

I owed it to them as my husbands. A wife didn’t keep a secret like this. As they’d said before, I needed to give my problem to them. They were strong enough to handle it. I hadn’t understood before, even a day ago, but now… now I knew.

I would tell them in the morning. All of it. We’d ride to Butte together and help Tennessee then come home. Safe.

I felt better with this decision. It wouldn’t be easy to tell them the details, but they’d listened before as I told them I’d lied. They hadn’t yelled. Yes, I’d been spanked, and it had been well deserved, even if I grudgingly admitted it. I expected another one, but knowing I didn’t have the secret between us any longer would make it worth it. Perhaps.

This secret would tear us apart. I wouldn’t let Mr. Grimsby destroy what we had. But how would I keep them safe? They’d told me to give my problems to them. I would, and definitely before they spanked them out of me.

Resolved, I settled down between my men, my back pressed against Tucker, my hand on Gabe’s chest. Smiling to myself. I would tell them in the morning.


I awoke alone, the sun streaming through the window. That the two men had climbed from bed without waking me was an indication of how late I’d been awake and thinking. Worrying. But, now, refreshed, I was ready to tell them. I wasn’t eager to do so, but felt this was something big that kept me from giving myself to them completely. They were my husbands, and I didn’t want to keep anything from them. As they’d said, it would be good to share the burden.

A note was on the table beside the bed. Picking it up, I smiled at the words, the jagged handwriting.

You were a good girl keeping the plug in all night. You are so responsive and eager there. Tonight, precious. Tonight we will take you together. Claim you completely.

I gulped at the thought of a cock deep inside my bottom. Would it be Gabe or Tucker who took me there the first time? While I was nervous, I was also excited. When they’d played with me

there, I’d liked it. Loved it, even, and they ensured I came every time so I’d only know pleasure there. But, tonight? I tightened my bottom around the plug.

Remove the plug. You've been a good girl keeping it inside you all night. Go to Emma’s for breakfast and then find us in the stable. We are eager to have you again.

I smiled at the thought of their cocks hard as they worked.


I did as they commanded, slipping the plug from me with a wince and a hiss of breath, then dressed.

A short time later, I followed Emma down the hall and into her kitchen. I’d yet to meet her before now but had seen her from afar at the picnic. She’d met Kane and Ian and married while I was away at school. Her striking blue eyes contrasted with her dark hair. The little girl in her arms had her mother’s coloring.

“I’m sorry we haven’t been introduced before now, but I know Bridgewater men and knew you’d be sequestered for a day or two.”

I blushed at her words as I followed the scents of coffee and fried meat even though breakfast had long passed. “Yes, Tucker and Gabe are… eager.”

She laughed and turned to look at me over her shoulder. The baby shoved her fist in her mouth and drool slid down her chin. “Eager? What about commanding or dominant or overbearing?”