“No man?” he asked. His eyes raked over my tearstained face, seeing my scar and more.

“No beau. I… I made him up.” I could admit this much but nothing more.

His look heated, softened, and he stroked my hair again. I forgot to breathe.

“There we go,” Gabe replied, easing out a breath. “It’s over now.”

Over. Yes. As I’d thought, they were done with me. Done with a woman who would lie. And continue to do so.

I began to cry then in earnest. It was over. Whatever was between us. Tucker calling me “precious.” Their attentiveness, their talk about kissing, their ability to look past my scar. All of it. As soon as Gabe let go of me, I’d be on my own.

My bottom still stung from Gabe’s spanking, but that was nothing in comparison to my breaking heart. So be it. I’d told the truth, and they didn’t want me. I sniffed once, twice, got my tears under control, for while I’d felt better from the release of emotions before, now it was just wasted. I’d done this to myself. I took a deep breath and pushed up, Gabe finally letting me stand. My drawers fell to the floor. I wouldn’t subject myself to having them watch me lift my skirt to tie them in place, so I kicked them away as I smoothed my hem back down. Besides the men, no one else would know my bottom was bright red. It was all a facade anyway. Anyone seeing my scar would never consider I wore no drawers.

Gabe’s hand was warm on my hip as he helped me settle, but then he dropped it to his lap.

With one last glance, I offered them a small smile then turned my back. Walked to the door and opened it.

“Wait, Abigail,” Gabe said, easily coming to stand before me, his arm reaching around me to push the door closed once again. He frowned down at me. “Where are you going?”

A deep vee formed between his dark brows, as if confused.

“It’s over, you said,” I replied. I was surprised at the strength of my voice. “I’m… leaving. I understand why you want to be rid of me. I’m a liar.”

“Whoa, precious,” Tucker said, coming to stand beside his brother.

“I didn’t mean we were over,” Gabe replied. “Hell, we’re just beginning. You think I toss any woman over my lap for a spanking?” He shook his head. “Only you.”

I looked between the two. “I don’t understand.”

“After the wedding the other day, I told you we don’t take what belongs to another. But you didn’t seem to have much interest in him, and since there is no Aaron, there is no one standing in the way of us claiming you.”

I was surprised, vastly so. I could barely comprehend what they were saying. “Aren’t you mad I lied?”

“I’m mad someone who didn’t even exist kept us apart,” Tucker grumbled.

“But I lied!”

And still did, but if they thought my only trouble was making up a fake suitor, they would be safer.

“Are you trying to push us away?” Gabe asked. “Because it’s not going to happen.”

I dropped my gaze to their broad chests then lifted my chin. “Of course not, but I did something shameful.”

Gabe grunted. “Yes, and we’ll get to your reasons for doing so later. For now, though, we want to know how you feel about two men.”

“Two men?” I repeated. They were so big in front of me, they blocked out the light from the room’s one window.

“Us. We told you we’re claiming you. So if you have some serious objections, tell us now. The spanking was just a start of how we’re going to have our hands on you.”

My body warmed at his words.

“Hell, I didn’t even get my hands on her.” Tucker sounded like a child who didn’t get to play with a toy.

“You? Both of you?” I asked. I knew they would claim a woman together, but me? Truly?

The corner of Tucker’s mouth tipped up as he put his hands on my body. “We need to know, precious, if you want us as much as we do you. We might have spanked you without your say, but we won’t touch you unless you want us.”

My mouth fell open as the warm caress slid down my arm, over my hip, to cup my stinging bottom. “You… you want me?” I couldn’t think when his hands were on me.