“I trust your visit with your grandmother was pleasant.”

From what Mary—I liked it much better than calling her Miss Millard—had said about her visit, the woman was definitely this man’s mother. She sounded like an old bat.

“Yes, quite.”

She could lie to her father, but once we were married, she would be put over my knee if she kept the truth of her feelings from us.

Millard glanced at Sully, then dismissed him readily. I tried to hide a smile, for the man had no idea who Sully was, who he’d just spurned.

“Then we should be going. Mr. Benson is eager to join us for dinner and will escort you home afterward.”

Mr. Benson looked at Mary absently, almost clinically, not of a fiancé eager for her return after a month’s separation.

Mary shook her head, but Sully spoke for her. “That’s not going to happen, Mr. Millard.”

Both men deigned him with some attention after all. “And who are you to dictate Mary’s actions? To question my authority over her?”

He offered a small shrug, and I could see he kept his anger at the supercilious man hidden. “I’m her husband, so I believe it is my authority she follows now.”

Mary tensed at that, but I knew it was the way Millard thought of his daughter, as a minion who had to follow commands without hesitation.

Millard’s skin turned a bilious shade of red and I worried he’d have apoplexy on the train platform. Benson wasn’t quite so… internal with his emotions.

If Sully had offered his name, they’d have given a completely different reaction. He didn’t and it was telling how they felt about this turn of events.

“I don’t know who you think you are, but Mary Millard is my intended.” Benson’s voice carried on the crowded platform and passersby turned to look.

“Was, Benson. She was your intended. She’s married to me. If you’ll excuse us, please.”

Sully took a step toward the station’s entrance, keeping Mary close, but the man held up his hand. I didn’t expect it to end that easily.

“I want proof,” Benson said.

I looked at Mary, saw the fear there. Was she worried that Sully would change his mind and give her to these two? There wasn’t a chance in hell. To get to her, Benson would have to kill me first, then Sully, because he wouldn’t let harm befall her either.

Kissing Mary’s temple, Sully murmured, “Tell them, sweetheart.”

From where I stood behind them, her scent filled my nose, all flowery and bright sunshine. I could only imagine how silky soft her hair was against Sully’s lips. I was eager to be rid these men and get her alone with Sully, my fingers itching to hold her as well.

“I… I’m married. He’s my husband.” Her chin tipped up another notch.

Benson offered Mary a quick glance, then ignored her. “That’s not the proof I’m looking for.”

“Is it the blood on the bed sheet you’re seeking? I promise she’s well and properly mine,” Sully baldly stated.

In a surprise burst of bravery after the discussion of the bloody proof of her virginity, Mary spoke. “He fucked me. Is that what you wanted to know? The first time, he let me be on top. The second time, he couldn’t hold back and took me from behind.”

Both Benson and her father were as stunned by her words as I was, for they just blinked at her. Where the hell did she learn to talk like that?

“Crude,” Benson muttered, as if she were now abhorrent.

I thought she was now even more intriguing than ever. She knew about fucking, but her very demeanor indicated innocence. What was she, harlot or virgin? I wanted rid of these bastards so Sully and I could find out.

“I want the marriage certificate,” Benson commanded.

Sully shrugged negligently. He had the power—without even using his infamous name—and wanted to make it clear that they didn’t scare him. They didn’t scare me either, not in the least, but I didn’t want them to scare Mary any more. If lying for her would do it, it made Sully no less a gentleman.

“There is none,” Sully told the bastard. “You can check the church register in Billings. First Presbyterian at the corner of Main and Fourth.” Most likely added to irritate the man further, Sully said, “My cock needs relief. You’re keeping me from fucking my bride.”