“So you chose the only alternative available?” Parker asked.

I narrowed my eyes. “I only asked for temporary assistance from you. You two were the ones who disagreed with that. Sully’s the one who said he’d marry me. An

d now, now you say I’m married to you as well.”

Parker grinned. “That’s right. The judge may have legally bound you to Sully, but my vow from before stands. I’m yours as much as you’re mine.”

Sully nodded. “You are the one for us.”

I frowned. “I don’t know how you can be so adamant.”

Parker put his hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him. “Sometimes you just know.” He put his hand to his chest. “Here.”

I understood what he meant, for my heart had leapt at my first sight of Parker when he’d stood to relieve the porter of my bag. He’d made my palms damp and I’d been instantly nervous. Then I saw Sully and I’d practically swallowed my tongue. That both men would have so much interest in me for the entire journey into Butte had been surprising and confusing, but I’d reveled in it. Once I’d calmed myself. What woman wouldn’t swoon at the idea of two men’s focused attentions?

I’d never been so attracted to a man, to two men, ever. Seeing men and the whores come together at the brothel had aroused me, but none had made me jealous of one of my friends. I knew I wanted to do those things with someone… I just didn’t know who. Until now.

“But… but both of you? How does a marriage with two men work?”

Parker came forward and pulled me into his arms. His body was hard with muscle and I could feel the beating of his heart beneath my palm. Steady and consistent, perhaps quite a bit like the man himself.

“It’s the Bridgewater way. We met a few of the men from there in the army and they all followed the custom of sharing a bride. If something befalls one of us, sweetheart, you’ll still be safe, protected by the other. You’re the center of our world now.”

Parker relinquished his hold to Sully and he hugged me next. The feel of him was different. They were both tall, both well-built and solid with muscle, but Parker’s hold was gentler, while in Sully’s arms I felt sheltered. They smelled differently and distinctly. I liked the way both of them held me. I was glad I didn’t have to choose one, didn’t have to live my life without knowing both of them.

I could only nod in agreement, for I didn’t completely grasp this arrangement and my feelings on it. It was so overwhelming, so confusing. So… insane!

“As for the rest, while you are a virgin, you are not completely innocent,” Sully said.

I stiffened in his hold.

“You wondered what we thought of you for bringing us to a brothel?” Parker asked.

“The things I said to my father—”

“Like being on top while fucking or being taken from behind?” Sully added. “We haven’t forgotten.”

I bit my lip and rubbed my cheek against Sully’s chest as Parker grinned. Grinned!

“I had to say something.”

“It was a wise choice. Coming here was a wise choice. We’re safe and we can spend our wedding night taking care of you, not worrying about your father or Benson. I’d prefer not to sleep with my gun tonight. It’s the perfect place to make you ours.”

I stiffened in Sully’s hold. “Now?” I squeaked.

Parker stepped behind me, moved in close so that I felt his body heat, but not close enough to touch. His hands hovered over my arms and I anticipated his hold, held my breath for it. I was eager to feel Sully on one side of me and Parker on the other.

“Tonight, yes,” Parker replied, murmuring in my ear. A chill ran down my spine at the hot feel of it on my neck. “But we aren’t brutes. We’ll take you only when you are ready.”

“But… but what if I’m not ready?” I whispered, gripping onto the fabric of Sully’s shirt.

Sully tilted my chin back and leaned down for a kiss.

“It’s our job to make you that way,” he murmured, an inch from my mouth.

My eyes fell closed at the second kiss of my life. It was as gentle as the one sealing our marriage ceremony, but this was… more. His lips brushed over mine, nibbling and tasting from corner to corner, then his tongue flicked over my bottom lip. I gasped and he took advantage and dipped his tongue inside.

Sully’s hands cupped my jaw and he angled my head so he could kiss me as he wanted. Slow didn’t mean any less pleasurable, for I felt as if he were learning me, discovering what I liked, what made me make small sounds in the back of my throat.