"It's Cross' turn, lass. Ye dinna want him to feel neglected, do ye?" Simon sat on the edge of the bed, his back resting against the brass railed footboard. Only Cross looked tense between the three of them and I now knew why.

"Up," Cross said.

Slowly, as my muscles were as soft and loose as pulled taffy, I came up and onto my knees, the seed sliding down my thighs. Cross looked down at it and slid a finger through the wetness. "I'm going to add to this," he vowed.

Moving to the head of the bed, he sat with his back propped up against the pillows. "How are you at riding a horse?" he asked.

I frowned in confusion. "Quite well."

He grinned and held out his hand. "Good. Consider me your stud horse and take me for a ride."

I glanced down at Cross' cock, thick and erect and very ready to fuck.

"Straddle his legs," Rhys directed.

I took Cross' hand and crawled up the bed so that I had my knees on either side of his hips.

"Work yourself down onto my cock."

Placing a hand on his shoulder for balance, I met Cross' pale eyes as I shifted my hips so that the tip of his cock slid over me, then settled at my opening. With all of the other men's seed on me, it was not difficult to have him fill me. My eyes widened at the feel of him coming up and into me. This was so different than when I was on my back. I could look at Cross, see his expression as my body accepted him and opened for him. When he was fully embedded, I sat completely upon his thighs and we both groaned.

"Now, Olivia. Please. I've been patient, but no longer, for you feel too damn good. Ride me and ride me hard. I want to see your breasts move as you do, I want to see you come."

Carefully, I lifted back up as I bit my lip, wanting to do it right. I saw the heat flare in Cross' eyes. When I took him into me again, I bumped my clit on his body and I moaned, shifting my hips and almost grinding myself onto him. I wanted not only to be filled, but my clit to be worked. The combination had me moving; I had no choice for my body took over, my needs replaced my thoughts and so I moved blindly, mindlessly to what felt good.

I knew the other men were watching. I knew I was taking what I wanted from Cross. I knew they might think me wanton, my breasts bouncing as I moved so aggressively, but I didn't care. I'd been fucked twice already and knew they were passionate men and that they'd unleashed the passion within me. And so I used Cross' cock to my needs over and over until I was screaming, gripping his shoulders so hard he'd have indentations there surely.

My eyes flew open at the sheer intensity of the angle and the way it rubbed over new places.

Cross hissed. "She's milking my cock. I can't hold back. Take it, love, take it all," Cross growled.

He thrust his hips up and against me, filling me like a geyser, erupting up and into my womb, flooding me in his own wash of hot seed. I fell forward onto his chest, my sweaty breasts and belly slick against his. I tried to catch my breath as I listened to his heartbeat begin to slow. I could do nothing, nothing at all, for I was done in by pleasure. I didn't know whose hands were stroking my back and I didn't care, for I knew that while they were individuals, they claimed me as one. While it may be one man's hand on my back, they were all soothing me. It was my last thought as I fell into sleep.



"Good morning, lass."

Olivia stirred in my arms, her arse rubbing against my already hard cock. After she'd fallen asleep, I'd tucked her beneath the covers and settled in behind her, an arm over her waist, my hand cupping her breast perfectly. I should have had a difficult time sleeping as I was unused to sharing a bed, but I found having her tucked in safely with me was enough to put me into a sound sleep. I was accustomed to being awakened by nightmares, the sheets a tangle about my sweat soaked body as I awoke on a groan or sob, but my night was quiet, my mind at ease.

She stiffened briefly, and then, most likely realizing where she was and who was holding her, she relaxed. "Hello," she replied, her voice shy. "Where are the others?"

"We willna be together all of the time. They are asleep in their own beds."

"You will take turns with me?"

I shrugged, and then frowned at the idea. "You make it sound as if ye are a toy and we are a bunch of children."

She turned in my hold to look up at me, her pale eyes clear and alight with humor. "Yes, I believe that is an apt description."

I could not help but push her onto her back and prop myself above her. As we stirred, her sweet scent along with the tang of sex swirled around us. It was a heady mix, reminding me that she was soft and lush and feminine as well as the vixen we did all of the things to the night before.

"Dinna ye wish to get to know me?" I asked.

She nodded into the pillow. "You’re the brawny one." She ran her small hand down over my chest and I sucked in my muscles of my belly as her hand worked lower, but didna touch my cock. She was nae forward yet in her wants, but she would be soon enough. "I also think you are the brooder, the one who worries the most."

She was insightful and that had me looking away, afraid she might see all the answers in my eyes. While Rhys had seen cruelty in the regiment, he hadna been there the day Evans slaughtered that family. I had and it affected me still. Even though our friend, Ian, was man pinned with the crime, the event followed more than just him halfway around the world.