“Yes, I want to kiss you, too,” she whispered.

Fuck, yes.

Cupping her face, I held her in place as I brushed my lips across hers, took it deeper when she angled her head. We kissed like teenagers, hot and heavy. Tongues tangled. Hands roved. She all but writhed in my lap as she came alive for me. My hands slipped beneath her shirt, brushed over her smooth belly and higher to cup her breasts. I didn’t feel delicate lace she’d worn earlier, but a soft cotton.

“Why do I want more so soon?” she whispered as I kissed along her jaw, found the sweet spot behind her ear that made her gasp. “The biological urge to procreate is strong, but it hasn’t occurred in me until now.”

“It’s more than fucking biological, baby. It’s because it’s right,” I murmured, licking the delicate spot.

I was the one who groaned, who was lost in this. In her.

“Hey, Nix and the other detective are here to talk to Sam,” Mac said, barging into the room.

He’d startled Sam, who lifted her head to look at him. She’d tensed with the surprise but didn’t move from my hold.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” he added, shutting the door behind him. “Shit, I’m hard now. How am I going to go back out there?”



* * *

Sam giggled and I loved that sound.

I had a pliant, willing woman in front of me, my hands cupping her tits beneath her sweatshirt. I felt like a teenager making out, caught by a parent. This time I wasn’t embarrassed, and I didn’t mind that Mac had found us.

“Who?” Sam asked. She pushed her glasses up her nose, and I was surprised they weren’t fogged up. The fact that she hadn’t tried to push my hands away from her tits showed just how hot she’d gotten.

“Two detectives. One’s a friend of ours. I called them to take a report on the break-in and the tire.”

I felt her tense beneath my palms, and I let my hands fall away. My dick was hard, too, but it wasn’t getting inside her until she talked to the cops.

Mac held out his hand. She took it and went out into the other room. I followed, only after I took a minute to will my dick down, then adjusted myself so I could walk right.

By the time I joined them, introductions had been made. Nix was a few years younger than me and Mac. He’d started off in uniform and had obviously moved up to detective. He and Donovan Nash, the former assistant DA, were dating Kit Lancaster.

“This is Miranski, my partner,” Nix said.

I shook her hand. “I’m Hardin.”

She was in her thirties, tall, with dark hair pulled back into a simple ponytail. She wore jeans with leather boots and a black fleece jacket with the police department logo on the chest. “Hi,” she said in greeting.

“So, Sam, tell us what’s going on with you,” Nix said.

Sam indicated everyone should sit down. Nix and Miranski—no one had offered up her first name—sat on one couch, Mac, Sam and I on the other across from them. A sleek coffee table was between us. Sam’s apartment was decorated simply, without any photos or other personal touches. I had to wonder if it was a rental that had come furnished. It didn’t matter; she wasn’t living here for long. Not another night if Mac and I had our way.

Which we would. After what we’d done earlier, she would be in bed, between us.

“Someone slashed my tire at the hospital yesterday. Today, when I got home, I found things moved around.”

While she’d been succinct and to the point, the detectives liked details. When prompted, she elaborated. Miranski got up and, after she got Sam’s permission, looked around the apartment.

“Got any enemies?” Nix asked. “An old boyfriend who didn’t think things should end?”

Sam shook her head. A surge of jealousy made my fists clench. I didn’t want another guy to even look her way, let alone get close to her. I’d been her first, though, and that made me inwardly sigh, to cool my fucking jets. I’d opened up that pussy, saw the look on her face when I got in her. That was a gift I’d cherish forever. The fact that I’d shared it, shared her, with Mac made it that much fucking better.

“No old boyfriends. I’m a doctor. I guess it could be a past patient, but they usually sue, not stalk.”