“One look at Mac’s dick in the ER and you were done for.”

She blushed, then nodded.

“You’ve put me and Mac in uncharted territory. Being with a woman is one thing. Being with a woman we want to keep is another.”

“Oh.” She looked half relieved and half petrified.

I smiled. “Yeah, oh.”

“So you want to keep me?” she practically squeaked. “Really?”

“Don’t let Mac hear you questioning again. Your ass is going to be pretty fucking hot.”

She blushed and that color, that pretty pink, would be the shade of her gorgeous backside after a fun spanking.

“Don’t panic.” I brushed a damp lock of hair over her shoulder. I hadn’t realized how long it was; the times we’d been together, it had been pulled back. “We’re as much yours as you are ours.”

“Look at you, then look at me,” she murmured. “I’m not wearing makeup. My hair’s a mess. I’m not all that vain, but all the times you’ve seen me, I’ve been wearing scrubs,” she said, then looked down at herself. “Or sweats.”

I hated that she was self-deprecating.

“Or in sexy lingerie. Or naked,” I added. “If after earlier you doubt how much we want you, then we weren’t doing it right.” I yanked her in close so she could feel how hard I was for her.

“I think you were definitely doing it right,” she replied.

“Sam, breathe. We don’t have to figure it all out right away.”

She licked her lips, looked up at me. “I am not used to emotions. They are overwhelming. Confusing. They defy logic. We defy logic. I mean, it’s happened so fast. I guess the meal at the bar could be considered a date by definition, but I got drunk and…”

I definitely remembered the and. The way she’d played with her pussy. The sight of her when she came. I wasn’t forgetting that. Ever.

“And then we fucked you good and hard.”

The blush returned.

“The only thing I know about you is that you’re a mechanic.”

“What do you want to know?”

She shrugged, her fingers going to a button on my flannel shirt—one of the only buttons still left after she ripped it open earlier. I tried to keep calm, but the innocent gesture was a fucking taunt, especially since I knew how wild she got.

“Do you have a family? What’s your favorite color? Are you allergic to any foods? How do you like your coffee? Are you a morning person? Can you—”

I laughed, then cut her off. “My parents live in Cutthroat, although they’re spending most of the winter in Arizona this year. I have an

older brother, like I said before. He lives here, and we’re pretty close.” I ran my hands up her back until my fingertips brushed the bottom of her bra. I loved the feel of her, couldn’t get enough.

“I guess I like blue, I’m allergic to blueberries, although I won’t drop dead or anything, coffee should be black and I’m definitely a morning person.”

“You’re like me,” she commented.

“Oh? You mean you want to kiss me, too?”

For a moment I confused her since we’d been talking about my likes and dislikes, not making out. We couldn’t fuck. I wanted to tip her onto her bed, climb on top of her and kiss the hell out of her. Then fuck her senseless. But not with the police in the other room. That would have to wait. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t take a minute of her just for myself and kiss her.

I liked small women, a stark contrast to how fucking big I was. I liked to spoil them, handle them gently, like they were precious. Sam could stand on her own two feet. She was obscenely smart, most likely a genius, and had a solid career ahead of her. She could deal with pressures I couldn’t even imagine. Life-and-death. I wouldn’t take that from her, but I would help her with finding the fucker who was messing with her.

I was just wired that way. To protect. As calm as I was, I fucked a little rough. Perhaps it was my size, or even my need for her. As for Mac, while he was the wild one between the two of us, he took the quiet approach. Slow, methodical, as if he wanted to savor every second of being inside her.