“Tell me, doll. Got a man in your life?”

She blushed at his words and looked away, coy. “No.”

“What’s your name?”


I pegged her fair hair at being natural, her age in the early twenties, and she was probably working her way through college. She seemed nice enough, but too young, even for me. But Mark? He didn’t mind a two-decade age gap.

Mark leaned toward her. “Well, Sarah. Maybe I’ll come back later and we can talk and I can get to know you. Maybe go out for a drink.”

She looked down the long row of booths, considering.

I just sat back and watched. It was ridiculously entertaining to see my brother in action. “I’m a doctor at the hospital, and this guy’s my brother. He can vouch for me.”

She looked my way and I shrugged. She looked me over as if she were ruling me out as a dating option. I wasn’t putting off any signals. Mark had enough for both of us. Even pulled out the doctor card.

She bit her lip. “I get off at three.”

Mark sat back and nodded, the whole thing supposedly settled.

“Can I get the two-egg special?” I asked. “Whole wheat toast.”

Sarah blinked and pulled out her order pad. “Sorry, yes. Sure. Over easy?”

She took both our orders, gave Mark a shy smile and left.

“Jesus, you’re insane.” I grabbed a packet of sugar, ripped it open.

Mark grinned, poured coffee into our mugs. “I’m amazed how brothers with similar genetics can be so different about women. I’m all about the fun. You’re all about… fuck, I have no idea what. When’s the last time you got laid?”

“I’m not getting into that with you.”

“Which means it’s been far too long.”

“Watching you is enjoyment enough,” I told him.

He looked down at the table, sighed. “Fuck, brother. So wrong. Enjoyment is the blonde from last night.” He leaned forward, elbows on the table, and dropped his voice low. “She was a freak between the sheets. Usually I have to coax a broad into taking it up the ass, but she got on all fours, spread those cheeks and gave it to me.”

I thought of Sam taking me and Mac at the same time. One of us would fuck her pussy, the other her ass. We were a long way from that, but we’d get there, show her what it would be like between both of us. But it wouldn’t be because she was a conquest. No, it would prove to her that she belonged to us. Together.

First, we had to pop that cherry the right way. Nice and slow. Easy. Then we’d show her all the ways to pleasure her. The idea of spending the rest of my life doing just that made me shift in my seat again.

“Don’t you want to settle down?” I asked. “I mean, a blonde last night, the waitress this morning.”

Mark absently stirred his coffee with a spoon. “I’ll tap that by dinner,” he vowed, tipping his head toward the front counter where the waitress was ringing up a customer. “I’ve even got one I’m working on at the hospital. There’s no way I’ll settle down. Too much fun to be had to settle on one pussy.”

I held up my hand, laughed. “Fine. Have your fun.”

I wasn’t going to tell him about Sam. Not yet. It was too new, and she was special. He didn’t understand what it felt like to fall for a virgin with glasses and a lush pair of tits in red satin. She might have been hot as fuck in Mac’s bed getting herself off, but it was just between us. Something private. Intimate. Hot yet special.

I wouldn’t ruin it by sharing it with my horndog brother.

“It’s supposed to snow Saturday. A foot. Let’s load up the snowmobiles and take them out. I’m off Sunday.”

“Sounds good,” I told him just as our meals were dropped off.

Mark winked at the waitress as I snagged a piece of bacon. We’d go snowmobiling on Sunday, if he didn’t cancel because of a woman.