“You’re so fucking smart, but this seems hard for you to understand.”

I looked down at the floor.

“Hardin left because his dick was hard and he wanted to take care of it. Like I told you last night, the only time he and I will have our dicks out around each other is if you’re between us. Conscious.”

“Oh.” He’d dumbed me down to saying that a lot.

“He’s a big guy, sweetheart, but he’s not that strong. And neither am I. Not when it comes to you.”

He spun about, stalked to me. “Mac!” I cried as he tugged the drawstring on my scrubs. They fell to my ankles.

“Holy fuck,” he muttered, then lifted me onto the counter. “Where are your panties?”

I squeaked because the granite was cold. “They were dirty,” I countered.

“That’s right, you showed us how wet you were.”

“Mac!” I cried again, mortified. “What are you doing? This can’t be sanitary.”

He chuckled as he dropped to his knees, then spread mine wide.

“Set your hands behind you and brace yourself.”

He kissed up my inner thigh, and I gasped, slapping my palms behind me on the granite. “I thought you weren’t doing this now. I have to go to work.”

“I changed my mind. If how fast you came last night is any indication, this won’t take long.”

When his tongue slid up the center of me, my hips bucked and I knew he was right. This wasn’t going to take long at all.



* * *

“Coffee, guys?”

“Yeah, thanks,” I told the waitress.

Mark and I were at the diner for our once-a-month breakfast meetup.

The waitress was a pretty thing, all petite and curvy and a quick smile. Mark winked at her, gave her his patented grin with his ridiculously white teeth. She blushed.

I rolled my eyes.

My brother could charm the panties off a nun, and I had no doubt the perky waitress would be easy prey for him.

Me? I wasn’t interested in her. I thought of Sam, of her lying on Mac’s bed, legs spread, hand in her pants getting herself off. She was no skilled seductress, that was for fucking sure, but she was it for me. My dick got hard, and I had to shift in the booth to get more comfortable. I’d jacked off twice since I left Mac’s, once when I got home and again a little while ago in the shower.

“Did you see the game?” Mark asked after the waitress went to take another table’s order. The diner was busy on a weekday morning, even at six thirty.

I nodded. Mark sat across from me. We looked nothing alike; I had the lumberjack physique of our dad. Mark wasn’t small at six feet, but he’d watched football from the bleachers instead of on the defensive line, like I had. His hair was much darker than mine, although it had a liberal sprinkling of gray now being as he was in his forties.

“I couldn’t believe they scored a touchback in the last two minutes.”

The waitress dropped off two mugs and a carafe of coffee.