“We won’t let you fall,” Lucas shared. “Your heart’s safe with us, doll.”

“Your ass, though, might get spanked though.”

At Cy’s warning, I couldn’t help but grin. “Promise?”

“Hell, yeah. Now can we go to the ranch?” Cy asked. “I’ve got plans for you… and that ass.”

“I don’t want to stay here, not after what happened,” Lucas agreed.

“Definitely, the ranch,” I added. I wasn’t too thrilled to stay in Lucas’ house, not after what Mark had done and not after climbing out the bathroom window. Even though Lucas and Cy would be with me, it was still too fresh. I was still running high on the adrenaline.

“Good,” Lucas added. “Let’s go. We both have plans for you.”

“As long as those plans include you two taking me together, then I’m game.”



We left Lucas’ truck at his house and rode in mine to the ranch. With Hailey’s still at Mac’s garage, there was no way she was getting away again. Not that I’d keep her like a creep, but for once, I was actually happy to be staying at the ranch. Avoiding people. Avoiding the world. But this time, not alone.

Lucas and I had the woman of our dreams and we weren’t letting her go. In fact, we were going to show her how much we loved her. Words were one thing, but actions were another. Especially what we had planned.

Hailey’d sat between us and it had been pretty fucking hard not to put my hands on her. But the bag of peas she held to her face was a reminder it wasn’t

time to get down and dirty.

We’d ensure she was okay, that she wasn’t in any pain, then we’d take her, and claim her.

When we got through the front door, she dropped the bag on the floor and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down for a kiss, I held off.

My dick wasn’t happy, but she’d been slapped around. It could wait. We had all the time in the world.

“You okay, sweetheart? Headache?”

She bit her lip, her gaze raking over my face as if it had been months and not a day since she’d had me last.

“I’ll be fine if you fuck me.”

I glanced at Lucas, who shook his head and grinned.

I took a deep breath, let it out. Ah, the sass on Hailey. I loved it. I loved her.

“Who decides if you get fucked?”

She pursed her lips. “You guys do.”

I ran my hand over my beard, considered. “That’s right. Maybe we’ll sit on the couch, pull out our dicks and rub one out while we watch you play with your pussy.”

Her mouth fell open. “You want to watch each other masturbate?”

“If it keeps your head from hurting.”

She cocked her head to the side, then glanced down at the front of my pants. “No way you want to use your hand when you have me to fuck.”

I groaned, then ran my hand down my face. This time, it was because she was right, because she was so fucking in my face about it all.

“You’re itching for a spanking, aren’t you?”