There was the girl thing again, but spoken in Cy’s raspy growl of possessiveness, it was dang hot. Even though it shouldn’t be true. I didn’t belong to either one of them.

It was just fun.


He frowned, then looked to me. “I thought you were with Lucas Mills.”

“She is,” Cy explained.

Mac paused, glanced between the two of us, the way Cy was holding me in a blatantly possessive way. “Both of you? Totally works for me.” He grinned, then nodded, as if that was that. “I’ve got to order the alternator, so it will be a few days. I’ve got your number when I have an update.”

“Thanks,” I replied, not sure what else to say. Mac didn’t require more of an explanation, and if he did, what would I say? It was fun fucking two guys at once? I loved getting double the dick?

He and Cy said their goodbyes, and Mac went out into the service bay, leaving us alone in the waiting area.

Cy leaned down, set his hands on my shoulders so we were eye level. “I’m so fucking sorry, sweetheart.”

I frowned at him, confused. “For what? It wasn’t your fault my car broke down.”

“Good thing you’ve got Lucas, too, because I was a dipshit. I didn’t even think to give you my number. You were out there alone... fuck.” He leaned forward, setting his forehead to mine. “There is a killer on the loose,” he snapped, but the tone didn’t faze me. He wasn’t mad at me. He was mad at himself.

I hadn’t thought of that. I should have, because of Lucas. And Cy. God, it should have been in the front of my mind all the time. Hell, I’d gotten in a tow truck with a stranger who could be a murderer. Anyone in town could have done it, and I hadn’t even thought about my safety for one second. But Cy had. Lucas, too, by ensuring Cy was with me while he was gone.

“Hey,” I murmured. When he didn’t meet my gaze, I set my hands on his forearms. “Cy, I’m okay. I wasn’t out there long.”

“You shouldn’t have been stuck out there at all. It’s my job to keep you safe, and I didn’t do it.”

He meant what he said. Deep down. Like… a core belief of his that it was now his job to protect me. God, was it because of his dad, how he’d ditched his mom? Something broke for him inside me. I longed to take away his hurt.

“I wasn’t there for you.”

“You’re here now,” I said. “The second you heard, you came.”

He nodded, rubbing the pad of his thumb back and forth over my lower lip.

Grabbing his face, I pulled him in for a kiss. Screw the thumb brush thing. It was gentle at first, soothing him and proving that I was fine. Then it turned fierce, because I wanted to show him how much I appreciated his concern, but also so he knew I was fine. That I was in front of him, kissing him. I felt instantly at ease knowing he was there for me, that it seemed, he always would be. I felt I could trust him, and not just with my body. I couldn’t avoid it any longer. My heart was involved now, too. That quickly, just one day, and I was in love with two men.

Shit. How was I going to leave them? How would I survive when they were done with me?

A door opened behind me and a throat cleared. I pulled back, blushed furiously.

Mac grinned at us, a mix of sheepish and sly at catching us. “Sorry, needed to get some paperwork.”

He grabbed it off the counter and left us alone once again.

We’d been caught. God, tongues had been involved and lots of groping, Cy’s hand was still on my ass.

I licked my lips. I tried to catch my breath, but all I wanted to do was climb him like a tree. We’d just been blatantly reminded we were in an auto shop, not his bedroom.

“You’re blushing,” Cy murmured. He didn’t seem the least bit bothered by being caught out. We weren’t sixteen, but still… “You’ve got two men fucking you and you’re a little embarrassed by Mac seeing us together?”

I frowned. “It doesn’t bother you that Mac saw us?”

“Me, kissing you? Fine.” He spanked my ass, not hard, but a reminder. “He knows you’re off limits. But naked? Hell, no. Hearing you come? Hell, no. I have to admit my inner caveman liked showing you off.”

I had to admit I wanted him to grab me by the hair and drag me back to his cave.

“Let’s get out of here,” he said, reaching down for my hand and leading me out to his truck. “I have plans for you. Without Mac watching.”