‘Anything at all?’

‘About me. About what I feel.’

Halina sighed. ‘I promise, if you really don’t want me to. But does he know you love him, Olivia? Because—’

‘Trust me, Halina, it doesn’t matter.’

Halina nodded slowly. ‘Then get some rest. I’ll see you later.’ She kissed Olivia’s cheek and squeezed her hand. ‘What a pair we are,’ she whispered with a hint of her old dramatic impishness. ‘Having such adventures.’

‘Yes.’ Olivia smiled wearily and walked from the room, skidding to a halt halfway down the corridor when she saw Zayed striding towards her.

‘You’ve been with the Princess?’ he asked, his agate gaze sweeping over her and revealing nothing.


‘She told you?’

‘About her pregnancy? Yes. I’m sorry, Zayed.’

‘I have no one to blame but myself. And I can hardly accuse the Princess of being impetuous when I was just as rash.’ He sighed and rubbed his temple.

‘Are you getting a migraine?’ Olivia asked quietly.

‘It will pass.’ He dropped his hand and subjected her to a direct look. ‘How are you? How are you holding up?’

Her heart was in pieces, and she ached everywhere it was possible to ache, but she wasn’t going to tell any of that to Zayed. ‘I’m fine.’

Zayed looked at her closely, as if he could chip away at the thin veneer of calm and control she’d managed to erect. ‘Olivia...’

‘I need some rest.’ Olivia knew she couldn’t withstand his apology, not now, not ever. It would be better

if she never saw Zayed al bin Nur again in her life.

She tried to move past him but he caught her arm, turning her to face him. Their faces were close, their hips brushed and, despite the ache in her heart, desire rushed through her veins. She felt herself melt, knew she was utterly helpless from the moment he touched her.

‘I wish...’ Zayed breathed, one palm coming up to cup her cheek. ‘I wish things had been different.’

‘But they aren’t.’ She forced the words out even though it felt as if they were tearing her in two.

‘I know.’ Zayed’s gaze became hooded as it dipped to her mouth. Olivia tensed, straining for his kiss even though she knew she should resist. He brushed his lips across hers, once, twice, before settling on them for a moment, pressing hard, as if he were sealing her memory inside him. Olivia clutched at his shoulders, accepting the brand, needing it to sustain her, and then finally she wrenched away with a gasp.

‘Your fiancée is waiting,’ she choked out, then hurried down the hall.

* * *

Zayed waited a moment, until his breathing and libido were both under control, before he opened the doors and stepped into the sitting room where he knew Princess Halina was waiting.

She whirled around at his entrance, her eyes widening as she realised who it was. ‘Prince Zayed.’

‘Princess Halina.’ He gazed at her for a long moment, trying to view her objectively. Yes, she was pretty—tumbled, ebony hair, wide brown eyes, a delectably curvy figure. But she wasn’t Olivia, and that was all that mattered.

‘You’ve met with my father,’ Halina said, and her voice wavered.

‘Yes. He told me what happened in Italy.’

She lowered her gaze, lashes sweeping her cheeks. ‘And you are willing to accept the change in circumstances?’

‘It seems I have no choice.’