Six hours of sleep later, Halina was feeling refreshed physically even as her emotions remained wrung out. She lay in bed and relived the last twenty-four hours—the escape from the palace, the terrifying sandstorm, the flight to Rome. It all felt incredible, almost as if it had happened to someone else, scenes out of an action film or a melodrama. Until she’d met Rico Falcone, her life had been quiet, contained and definitely dull. Now, she acknowledged wryly, it was merely contained.

By the time she awoke from her nap, dusk was falling over the city. Rico knocked on her door, telling her she needed to eat, which seemed to be his constant refrain. Halina went out and managed to choke down some soup before retreating to bed before Rico could ask her any more questions or give her any more orders.

‘I have made an appointment for you to see a doctor tomorrow morning,’ he informed her as she headed for her bedroom. ‘You need to start taking better care of yourself.’

She didn’t trust herself to answer in a civil manner, so she merely nodded. Alone in bed that night, misery rushed over her. She’d thought being locked away in a palace in the remote desert of Abkar had been bad enough, but amazingly this actually felt worse. She was so alone. Rico was a hostile stranger who seemed intent on blaming her for everything, yet still intended her to marry him. What would her life be like with Rico? What would her child’s life be like?

For a few seconds Halina imagined resisting. Running away, carving some kind of life for herself. But where would she go, and what would she do? She had no money, no clothes even, and her life skills were, she knew, pitiable. She could speak three languages, play two instruments and make sparkling conversation when required. They were not exactly qualifications for making her own way in the world.

She hated feeling so trapped. Yet her one bid to escape her gilded shackles had resulted in her ruin, so she hardly trusted herself to try again, even if she could have worked up the courage or the means.

‘Halina?’ Rico knocked on the door of her bedroom, startling her out of her gloomy thoughts. ‘We leave in twenty minutes for the doctor.’

‘All right.’ She turned away from her wan reflection and opened the door. Rico stood there, looking both glorious and impatient, dressed in a pin-striped suit in deep navy, his eyes glinting like metal, his jaw freshly shaven and his hair spiky and slightly damp from the shower. He smelled of sandalwood, and the scent of him hit Halina like a fist squeezing her heart. She remembered his hands on her body all over again, the honeyed persuasion of his kiss.

With effort she yanked her gaze away from him and walked past him into the living room. ‘I’m ready.’

‘I sent out for some things I thought you might like to eat.’ Halina turned, surprised to see a flash of uncertainty on Rico’s rugged features. She didn’t think she’d ever seen him look that way before.

‘Thank you.’

‘There are some pastries and fresh fruit, and also ginger tea. I read that ginger helps with nausea.’

Surprise rippled through her. ‘You’ve been reading up on it?’

He shrugged. ‘I want to know as much as I can. Information is vital.’

‘Thank you,’ Halina said again. She felt strangely touched by his concern, although another part of her acknowledged how little it was in the larger sche

me of things. But maybe she’d just have to get used to little, at least in terms of affection or concern. Rico hardly seemed likely to offer anything else.

Rome was shimmering under a haze of heat as they stepped outside Rico’s apartment. He held open the door of the limousine and she slid inside, edging to the far side as Rico sat next to her, seeming to take up all the space and air. Heat emanated from his powerful body and strength radiated from every taut muscle. The sheer power of his charisma left her breathless. She’d forgotten how overwhelming he was, and she was reminded again and again of that fact every time she went near him. It was no wonder she hadn’t been able to resist him back at that party.

‘So, do you live in Rome all the time?’ she asked as the limo pulled smoothly into the traffic. ‘I don’t actually know that much about you.’ Or anything, really, except that he was rich, ruthless and arrogant. And fabulous in bed.

‘Most of the time.’ Rico swiped his phone and slid it into his pocket, giving her his full attention, which felt like stepping into a spotlight. ‘I travel for business to my various concerns and properties, most of which are in Europe.’

‘Your penthouse isn’t really suitable for a baby,’ Halina said impulsively. ‘Would I live there?’

Rico stared at her for a moment, his expression unfathomable. ‘Of course we will need to work out the details, but I would most likely buy a house in Rome suitable for a family.’

For a second Halina let herself imagine it—a happy home, a place she could decorate and fill with music and art, books and laughter. A place of her own, of their own, where she and Rico could learn to live and maybe even love together. But of course it wouldn’t be like that. How it would be, she didn’t yet know.

‘And when will we marry?’ she asked eventually. The silence between them had become strained, tense, as it always seemed to.

Rico looked out of the window. ‘Let’s concentrate on today and making sure you and our child are both healthy. After that we can focus on the wedding.’

The doctor’s office was upscale and comfortable, with a staff member fluttering around them making sure they had everything they needed, including fresh juice and coffee.

Halina’s nerves started to jangle as she stepped into the examining room with Rico right behind her. The doctor smiled at her and introduced herself.

‘My name is Maria Loretto. Signor Falcone has engaged me to be your obstetrician.’

Halina nodded and shook her hand. ‘Thank you.’

‘So the first thing we need to do is ascertain how far along you are.’ Maria gestured for her to sit on the examining table, and nervously Halina perched on its end. ‘If you know the date of your last period...’

‘We know the date of conception,’ Rico interjected flatly. Halina closed her eyes. Did he have to control this too?