‘I’m twenty-four,’ Maisie answered with dignity. ‘And I am in school. Cleaning offices is my night job.’

‘It is night, isn’t it?’ He turned to stare out of the window, the lights of the Chrysler Building glittering against a dark and fathomless sky. ‘It is a dark, cold, black night.’

His flat voice, the utter bleakness of his tone, sent a ripple of apprehension through Maisie. She was pretty sure he wasn’t talking about the weather.

‘Why are you here?’ she asked softly. ‘Drinking alone in an empty office building?’

He didn’t answer for a long moment, his gaze still on the dark view outside. Then, like a dog shaking its wet coat, he turned to her with a sudden smile, bright and hard. ‘But this building isn’t empty, and I’m not alone.’ He fumbled for the glass he’d left on the table. ‘Why should I drink by myself?’ he challenged as he poured a full measure of whisky into the glass and thrust it towards her.

‘I can’t...’ Maisie said, taking a step back as if he’d forced the glass to her lips. ‘I’m working.’

He glanced around the room, that amused quirk lifting his lips once more. ‘Working?’

‘I clean this office building,’ Maisie said a bit stiffly. ‘This is the last office on the floor.’

‘Ah, then you’re almost done.’

She was, but it didn’t matter. It was nearly three o’clock in the morning and she had school tomorrow. ‘I still can’t drink,’ she said firmly. ‘And I really should get on with cleaning...’

He glanced around the room, with its desk, a couple of chairs and a leather sofa against the wall. ‘How much can there be to clean?’

‘I need to spray all the surfaces, empty the bins, vacuum...’ For some unfathomable reason Maisie felt herself blushing as she listed her humble duties.

‘Then let me help you,’ the man said. ‘And then we’ll have a drink.’

She stared at him in surprise, his suggestion completely unexpected. ‘You don’t—’

‘I want to.’ He sprang up from his chair with surprising alacrity, considering he had to have drunk most of a bottle of whisky, and plucked a spray bottle of cleaning fluid and a cloth from the bucket of supplies Maisie had left by the door. ‘Right, here we are.’ He swept his papers into a pile and then sprayed the surface of the desk while Maisie watched gormlessly. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before.

Occasionally she’d stumbled across men or women who were pulling a late night at the office, and more often than not they allowed her to work around them while occasionally emitting deep sighs to indicate the inconvenience she was causing. She’d scurry around and then leave as quickly as she could, murmuring an apology.

The man had already finished wiping the desk and was now cleaning the coffee table in front of the sofa. He glanced at her, his eyes full of surprising laughter. ‘I’m starting to think you’re lazy.’

‘Who are you?’ Maisie blurted.

‘Antonio Rossi.’ He finished the table and then reached for the waste-paper basket under the desk and emptied it into the garbage bag hanging from her trolley. ‘And who are you?’


‘Pleased to meet you, Maisie.’ He nodded at the vacuum cleaner behind her. ‘All that’s left to do is a quick vacuum and then we can have that drink.’

* * *

She was lovely. Antonio stared at the woman—Maisie, she’d said—in expectation. She looked stunned by his help, and he supposed he was a bit surprised, too. He didn’t normally help the cleaning staff, although there was certainly no shame in it. He’d had worse and lower-paid jobs in his lifetime.

But he liked the look of Maisie, with her tumbling auburn curls and wide green eyes, her curvy figure only partially hidden by the shapeless blue coverall she wore as some kind of uniform. He wanted to have a drink with her. He needed to keep forgetting, and over the years he’d found that alcohol was the best way to do that. Sex wasn’t far behind.

Slowly, still looking a bit shell-shocked, Maisie turned and reached for the vacuum. She plugged it in and then, impatient, Antonio reached for the handle. Her head jerked up in surprise, curls bouncing around her heart-shaped face. Freckles were scattered across her nose like gold dust.

‘I’ll do it,’ he said, and he whipped around with the vacuum, the noise filling the space and vibrating in his chest, only for the silence they were plunged into when he cut the power to feel expectant and hushed.

Slowly Antonio wrapped the cord around the handle while Maisie simply stared. He wasn’t so drunk that he didn’t feel a flicker of guilty unease at seducing a cleaner in an empty office building in the middle of the night. But then, she would either be a willing partner or she would walk away; was there really anything to atone for here? He already had enough sins to deal with.

Besides, it might not even go that way. Maybe she was married, or had a serious boyfriend. Except he didn’t think he was imagining the spark that had snapped to life between them when their eyes had met. Just to test it, he brushed her fingers with his as he put the va

cuum away, and he felt a leap inside him as he saw her pupils flare. Yes, it was there. It was definitely there.

‘So,’ he said. ‘Shall we have that drink?’