I watched as Owen walked over to one of the booths in front of the storefront windows and took a seat. Since the waitresses were still on break in the back, Sophia grabbed a menu, walked around the counter, crossed the restaurant, and handed it to Owen. He took it and gave her a smile before his gaze drifted over to me. After a moment, Owen lifted his hand and waved at me. I returned the gesture before turning my attention back to Bria.

"Even if I don't know what to say?"

"Even if," she replied. "The two of you are good together, Gin. All I'm saying is don't give up on him just yet. He may still surprise you. "

"It's hard, though," I said in a soft voice. "So hard. He broke my heart. "

It was something I hadn't admitted to anyone. I'd barely acknowledged it myself. But Owen keeping his distance from me after I'd killed Salina, well, it had hurt. I hadn't expected him to be happy about what I'd done, but I hadn't expected him to go completely radio-silent either. Oh, I knew why he'd done it, and I probably would have done the same if our positions had been reversed. But it had still broken my heart and brought all of my old fears and worries roaring back to the surface. Fears that Owen wouldn't be able to accept me any longer for who I was and what I'd done to the woman he'd loved - even if I'd had reasons for my brutal actions.

"Go on," Bria said. "You're not going to solve anything just standing there staring at him. "

"Since when are you playing the part of the big sister?"

"Since now. " She grinned. "Now, get. "

"Yes, ma'am," I said, giving her a small salute with my hand.

Then I squared my shoulders, lifted my chin, and went to see what he wanted.

* * *

I followed the faded, peeling, blue and pink pig tracks on the floor all the way over to Owen, who sat in a booth in the back close to the restrooms.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi. " He smiled. "Can you sit for a minute? I'd like to talk - if that's okay. "

"Sure. "

I slid into the opposite side of the booth from him. Sophia raised her eyebrows and gave me a questioning glance, but I waved, telling her to finish what she was doing. Owen wasn't here to eat. Instead, he stared at me, and I looked back at him. Perhaps it was my imagination, but his violet gaze seemed clearer than I remembered - calmer too. As if he'd finally made peace with some of his demons. I wondered if any of them were Salina - or maybe even me.

"I went to Jillian's funeral yesterday," he finally said.

I nodded. I hadn't gone to the service, although I'd sent flowers and made a hefty donation to Jillian's favorite charity. I also had Finn working on a way to quietly slip Jillian's family enough money so they wouldn't have to worry about anything for the rest of their lives. But I hadn't thought it was right for me to show up at her funeral when I was the reason she'd been killed to start with. I knew the money wouldn't make up for anything either, but it was all I could do to help those she'd left behind.

"It was a nice service, as far as those things go," Owen said. "She was well liked. Lots of friends there, along with her brother. "

I nodded again. There was nothing I could say to make Owen feel better or ease my own guilt.

"The folks who were there were happy that McAllister had been arrested," he continued. "Especially her brother. He was glad that Jillian was going to get the justice that she deserved, and so am I. "

"Are you upset that I didn't kill McAllister?" I asked. "Because I thought about it. I thought long and hard about it. "

He shrugged. "I'd like to see the bastard suffer for everything he's done to all of us. I'm okay with your decision. "

I hadn't spoken to Owen, but I knew that Bria and Xavier had filled him in on everything McAllister had said, including the lawyer's plan to implicate him in the robbery.

"But I didn't come here to talk about McAllister," he said.

"Then what did you come here to talk about?"

"Salina. "

"Oh. That. "

"Yeah. That. "

He stared at me, his eyes steady on mine. "I'm okay about Salina. I understand why you did what you did, Gin. "