"I've gotten that same explanation twice now," Bria said. "It's like all the giants who work as bodyguards have suddenly decided to move on up to bigger and better things. This is the third robbery I've seen this week where nobody's been guarding the goods, even with an obvious score to be had. "

I frowned. That was strange. Vampires, dwarves, elementals, humans - lots of folks hired themselves out as security or bodyguards to banks, businesses, and wealthy individuals. Sure, it was a dangerous gig, especially in this town, but the money was good, and most positions came with excellent medical and dental. Some folks even offered their employees 401(k)s and profit-sharing plans. Not to mention the bonus hazard pay you could collect if you thwarted a robbery or an assassination attempt.

But given their tall, strong physiques, giants were the top choice when it came to keeping something or someone safe, especially among the underworld bosses. Practically every crime lord in Ashland had at least half a dozen giants - if not more - on his or her payroll. For the bosses, hiring them was a way to keep the rest of their underlings in line and hold on to their turf. For the giants, it was usually easy money for mostly standing around and looking tough. Win-win all the way around - unless you happened to cross somebody with a cadre of giants at his disposal. In addition to providing protection, giants were also very, very good at enforcing one person's unpleasant will on another - and beating you until you got the bloody message.

Bria shook her head. "Anyway, at least this case is cut-and-dried. All I need to do is get some witness statements from the saleswomen, and Xavier and I can take the perp over to the station - "

A soft, feminine laugh floated through the air, followed by a series of high-pitched giggles. Bria and I looked at each other, then over at Finn. Apparently, all had been forgiven, because the two saleswomen had practically draped themselves over him by this point. Red had her hand on one of his shoulders, while Blondie was cozied up on his other side, toying with his jacket sleeve. Finn's head swiveled back and forth between them, as though he was watching an intense tennis match. It was a wonder his neck didn't break from the speed.

"Good luck getting those statements," I murmured.

Bria smiled, showing a hint of teeth. "Oh, luck has nothing to do with it, big sister. "

She strode over and planted herself in front of Finn and his adoring entourage.

"Bria!" he said. "I was just telling these two lovely ladies how brave they were when that terrible thug rushed into the store. "

"Of course you were. " Her voice was mild, although she raised her eyebrows at him.

Finn gave her a sheepish grin, but he immediately disentangled himself from the other two women and stepped forward. His sudden movement made the saleswomen teeter on their heels and almost crash into each other, but Finn didn't care. He leaned down and murmured something in Bria's ear that caused a fierce blush to bloom in her cheeks. Red and Blondie both frowned, but Bria just smiled at them. They all knew that she had Finn's full and undivided attention now.

He finally quit whispering to her and straightened up, a teasing grin on his handsome face. Bria stared back at him, her blue eyes warm and soft.

"I'm going to hold you to that," she murmured. "Tonight. "

Finn's grin widened.

Bria blushed a little more, then cleared her throat, stepped past him, and addressed the other two women, back in full detective mode. "Ladies, I need to get some statements from you about what happened . . . "

I smiled at their antics, even though they made my heart twinge with pain. Seeing Finn, Bria, and their obvious happiness reminded me of how much I missed Owen. Not for the first time, I thought about pulling out my cell phone and calling him. The only problem was that I didn't know what to say. I love you. I miss you. I killed your ex because it had to be done. Not exactly sweet nothings.

Still, the urge to hear his voice was so strong that I went so far as to grab my phone out of my jeans pocket. My finger hovered over the button that would speed-dial Owen's number, but after a moment, I stuffed the phone back into my pocket. I sighed. I'd never considered myself a coward before, but when it came to Owen, I was as yellow-bellied as the dress I'd ruined.

But my conflicted feelings didn't change the fact that I needed to get back to the Pork Pit and help Sophia with the dinner rush. I'd just taken a step toward the front door when Finn blocked my path.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Outside," I said. "To your car. So you can drive me back to the restaurant. "

He shook his head. "Uh-uh. Nothing doing. No way. I told Sophia that you were taking the rest of the day off, and that's exactly what you're going to do. Besides, we are not leaving here until you get a new dress. "

"You're kidding, right?"

Finn turned to the rack closest to him and grabbed a long dress that shimmered with red sequins. "What do you think about this one? Yeah, this is much too orange of a red for you. With all that pale skin, you need a blue-red, like this one. "

He plucked another gown off the rack, held it out at arm's length, and examined it with a critical eye.

"Oh, yes," he said. "This would look divine with your complexion. And I think I saw some shoes earlier that would be absolu

tely smashing with this. "

I just groaned.

* * *

After another hour of trying on dresses at the Posh boutique, Finn and I headed back to the Pork Pit to grab some dinner. The attempted robbery might have broken up some of the tediousness of dress shopping, but I still wanted some comfort food from my own restaurant. So I dished us both up some burgers, chili-cheese fries, and triple-chocolate milkshakes.

Later that evening, Finn finally dropped me off at Fletcher's house - my house now. Being a gentleman, he carried in the ridiculously expensive dress, shoes, and purse he'd picked out and insisted I buy. Then he headed out, saying that Bria was expecting him. Of course she was, given the heated promises he'd whispered to her in the boutique.