As soon as she said the word metal, my heart clenched in my chest. I knew exactly what kind of magic she was talking about - and exactly who had it.

"Owen Grayson," Clementine called out in a booming voice. "Come on down. "

Chapter 9

For a moment, I closed my eyes again. The night just kept getting better and better. First, Jillian had been murdered, then Clementine and her crew had taken everyone hostage, and now this.

Murmurs rippled through the crowd, and folks turned to stare at Owe

n, who was just as shocked by the giant's announcement as everyone else. But Owen's surprise quickly turned to wariness. He glanced at Phillip and Finn, but the other two men shrugged, their own faces tight with concern. They didn't know what Clementine wanted with him any more than I did, but we all knew it couldn't be anything good.

"Ah, come on, now, Mr. Grayson," Clementine said. "I see you over there. Don't be shy. Get to your feet and step up on here. "

She grinned and pointed her gun at the woman sitting closest to her. "Or I'll shoot this pretty lady in the face. "

The woman gasped and ducked her head, as if that would somehow help her magically melt into the floor and get away from the giant and her gun.

"Right now, if you please, Mr. Grayson," Clementine continued. "Or a lot of people are going to get covered in a whole lot of blood. Blowback is a bitch, especially at close range like this. Not to mention the damage the bullets themselves will do. Why, this lady's head will probably explode like a ripe watermelon dropped on a rock - splat. And who knows where the bullets will go from there? Why, they could clip two or three more folks before they finally stop. "

There was nothing Owen could do, no way he could possibly stop the giant from pulling the trigger except by obeying her. Like Clementine had said before, she and her boys had already taken out the Spider. So what was to stop them from murdering everyone else?

Owen climbed to his feet and slowly shuffled toward the front of the room, picking his way through the seated hostages. The faint tap-tap-tap of his wing tips on the floor sounded like nails being driving into a coffin. Clementine might want him alive right now, but she'd kill him the second she didn't need him anymore.

Owen finally stopped in front of Clementine, his violet eyes practically glowing with anger.

"I don't know what you're planning or what you think I can help you with, but I'm not going to do it. " He spat out the words. "You can kill me if you want, but I'm not going to help you. Not after what you've done. "

His gaze dropped to Jillian's body, and his mouth twisted with anger, regret, and sorrow. I wondered if it was for me - or her.

Clementine smiled. "Sure you will. Because if you don't, I'll have my boys shoot people until you change your mind. And just to speed things along, they'll start with that pretty little sister of yours. "

She jerked her head, and Dixon waded into the crowd, grabbed Eva's arm, and hauled her upright. Phillip, Roslyn, and Finn surged to their feet as well, but Phillip was the quickest. He yanked Eva out of the giant's grasp and put himself in front of her before stepping forward and slamming his fist into Dixon's face. I heard the sharp, satisfying snap of the blow all the way up on the balcony. Dixon staggered back, blood pouring out of his broken nose and leaving garish streaks on his orange skin.

"You bastard!" Dixon screamed, blood spewing out of his mouth too. "I'll kill you for that!"

Phillip growled and lunged forward, his fingers curved into claws like he wanted to rip out the giant's throat with his bare hands. That made two of us. But another giant came in on Phillip's blind side and pistol-whipped him across the face before he could get his hands on Dixon. But Phillip was strong, thanks to his mysterious giant and dwarven parentage, and the blow only rocked him back instead of knocking him into next week. He shook it off and started forward again -


The distinctive sound made Phillip draw up short of tackling the giant who'd hit him. He whirled around and realized the same thing I did, that Clementine now had her gun leveled at Owen's head.

"Stop," she commanded. "Or I might just decide that I don't need Mr. Grayson after all. "

A hard knot of fear clogged my throat, choking me, but I immediately reached for my Ice magic, ready to blast Clementine with it. The giant was about fifty feet away from me, with Owen standing in front of her, but I wasn't about to let her shoot him. I'd find some way to stop her with my magic or my knives or something, anything - anything - to save Owen.

But I didn't have to. Phillip cursed, but he slowly lowered his hands to his sides and stepped away from the giant.

"Good boy," Clementine said, and dropped her gun from Owen's face.

But one person wasn't satisfied that Phillip had quit fighting. Dixon spat out a mouthful of blood. His aim was spot-on, and the mess splattered onto Phillip's shoe and pants leg. Phillip stiffened, but he didn't move. Dixon studied him a moment, then pulled his gun out of the holster on his belt and shot him.

Phillip grunted and crumpled to the ground.

"Philly!" Eva screamed and dropped to her knees beside him.

Finn and Roslyn rushed forward too. I couldn't tell exactly where he had been shot, what side the wound was on, or how close to his heart and lungs it was, but I could see the bright splash of blood on his white shirt - a whole lot of blood. Finn ripped off his tuxedo jacket and immediately pressed it to the wound, trying to stanch the blood flow.

For a moment, Dixon's features twisted with satisfaction. Then he glanced over his shoulder at Clementine, who gave him a sharp, murderous glare. Dixon swallowed. Looked like he wasn't supposed to shoot any more hostages, at least not yet.