She shook her head. "No, it's not. Whatever Salina's come back to Ashland for, why she's here now after all these years, I don't know, but it can't possibly be good. You saw what she did to Antonio and then what she tried to do to Philly. Who's to say she won't do the same thing to you or me? Or even Owen?"

I didn't have an answer to that. If Salina had come back to Ashland for revenge against everyone she'd thought had wronged her, then Eva could very well be on her hit list. Owen too, if the water elemental somehow blamed him for her banishment - or for not trying to stop Mab from murdering her father.

"You know that I will do everything I can to protect you, to protect us all," I said in a careful voice.

Eva shook her head. "That's not good enough. "

"And you know that Owen won't let anything happen to you," I said, trying a different tack.

She laughed, although the harsh sound seared the air like fire. "Normally I would agree with you, but not when it comes to Salina. Even now, I doubt he would believe that she hurt me back then. Even if he did, if she comes after me again, if she comes after him, he won't be able to fight back, Gin. If it comes down to Owen and Salina in the end, he won't be able to kill her - and then she'll murder him. Without a second thought, she'll drown him or find some other way to use her water magic to kill him just like she promised me she would. "

The obituary photos of Salina's dead husbands, the ones who looked so much like Owen, flashed through my mind.

"You don't know that Owen would let Salina kill him," I said, even as my heart screamed at the thought.

"Oh, yes, I do," Eva snapped. "He never could think straight when it came to her. Kind of like you and Donovan Caine. Owen told me you ran into him while you guys were on vacation in Blue Marsh - he said that Donovan wanted to get back together with you, and he could practically see the sparks between you - and this is just like that. "

I winced. Seeing Donovan had brought up a lot of memories about our often-strained relationship - just like what seeing Salina had done for Owen. But I'd dealt with my unresolved feelings for Donovan, and Owen and I had grown closer because of that. I just hoped he could do the same when it came to Salina.

"I'm over Donovan, and I have been for quite some time now, thanks to your brother," I said. "What makes you think Owen isn't over Salina?"

Eva let out a breath. "I don't know that he isn't, but Salina always gets what she wants - always. She did back then, and she will now too. She'll blindside Owen, and he'll believe all her lies again, just like before. And I don't want to take that chance. Do you, Gin?"

No, I didn't, but Owen wouldn't like me agreeing to kill someone for his baby sister much either - especially when that someone was his former fiancee. Despite the fact that she was practically grown, Owen still tried to shield Eva from all the bad things in the world - including my activities as the Spider. Although thanks to Salina, Eva had seen and endured more troubles than I would have ever imagined.

Eva sensed my hesitation, so she decided to play her trump card.

"Salina Dubois is my Mab Monroe," she said in a cold, flat voice. "I was four years old, four years old, and she tortured me for weeks, Gin, and not for any more reason than that she was jealous of the attention Owen paid me - that and because it amused her to hurt me. I want her dead. Simple as that. She deserves it for what she did to me, and even more so for lying and saying that Philly tried to rape her. Owen almost beat him to death for that, and she just stood there and watched it happen, knowing it was a damn lie the whole time. "

Eva looked at me, but I still didn't answer her.

"Fine," she snapped. "If you won't help me, then I'll do it myself - I'll kill Salina myself. "

"And how will you do that?"

A stubborn look filled her face, and her hands clenched into fists. "I don't know, but I'll find a way. Just like you always do. I'll buy a gun or something. Shouldn't be too hard to find one over in Southtown. I'll just walk over there after classes one day. "

It was bad enough Eva wanted to hire me to off Salina. Her planning a trek into Southtown and trying to take out the water elemental herself would be disastrous all the way around. Eva would be dead on those mean streets long before she ever had a chance to get close to Salina. Owen would never forgive me if I let her do something so dangerous - and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself either.

Between a rock and a hard place. A spot I always seemed to find myself in.

I sighed. "All right, all right. You win. Leave Salina to me. "

"So you'll kill her then?"

"I don't know," I said. "It depends on what she's really doing in Ashland besides murdering people with her water magic. But I promise you this: if she lifts so much as a finger in your or Owen's direction, I will take her out. "

"No matter what Owen thinks?"

I paused. Once again, I wondered if she realized what she was asking of me, the position she was putting me in - and if I'd be able to go through with it in the end.


But try as I might, I couldn't say no to the soft plea in her voice. I couldn't say no to the tremulous hope shining in her eyes. I couldn't say no to the chance to quiet her nightmares.

"No matter what Owen thinks," I agreed in a grim tone.

"And Philly?" Eva pressed her advantage. "Will you protect him from Salina too?"