Finally, he turned and stabbed his finger at Cooper. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you wouldn't have listened to us - any of us," the dwarf said in a resigned voice. "You loved the girl, and you only wanted to see the good in her. There was no point in making things worse than they already were. "

Owen turned his gaze to Kincaid. "And you, Phillip? Why didn't you tell me what she was doing? Hell, why didn't Eva tell me?"

"I tried, but you were too busy beating the shit out of me," Kincaid snapped. "As far as Eva goes, she told me that Salina threatened to hurt me and you too if she said anything. She begged me to keep quiet, so I did. Eva was so upset, so afraid that Salina could come back at any time. She'd already been hurt enough, and I didn't want her to worry any more than she already was. That's the reason I kept my mouth shut back then and all these years. I was protecting Eva. "

Something you failed to do. Kincaid didn't say the words. He didn't have to.

That stricken look dimmed Owen's eyes again, and I knew what he was feeling - guilt. Guilt that he hadn't realized what was going on, guilt that he'd taken Salina's side over everyone else's, guilt over what Eva had suffered, guilt that he'd almost killed Kincaid because of Salina's lies. So much guilt. Enough to last a lifetime.

As much as I wanted to go over to Owen, hold him close, and tell him it was okay, I couldn't do that. Nothing I could say would make his guilt go away, and right now I needed to talk to the dwarf about more practical matters.

I looked at Cooper. "So what happened? How did you convince Salina to leave Ashland?"

He shifted in his chair again. "Phillip called me the night Owen beat him. We'd kept in touch, even though Owen and I weren't speaking at the time. I came and picked him up, and he told me what Salina had done. I got the boy patched up, and we waited for Owen to leave the house. When he finally did, we went in and confronted Salina. I told her to leave Ashland and never come back - or I'd kill her. Of course, she didn't listen to me. She tried to use her water magic on me, but I managed to overcome her with my Air power. I held her down on the ground with it while Phillip packed up her things. Then we made her write a note for Owen and threw her out of the house. That was the last time I saw her. "

We were all quiet, although I could hear the sudden, loud chirping of the birds deeper in the woods, like something had startled them. A few crows zoomed up out of the tops of the trees and started circling around and around in the sky above.

"Salina might come after you," I told the dwarf. "Especially given how isolated you are here. Maybe it would be better if you stayed with Owen for a few days. Just in case. "

"Bah!" Cooper waved his hand. "I don't need protection from her. Besides, I doubt she'd come all the way up here. Salina never did much care for this place - or me. "

"All the more reason for her to come after you now," I said. "Salina seems to be going around settling old scores, among other things. You were the one responsible for running her out of Ashland. That's not the kind of thing a person forgets. Especially not someone like her. Trust me. I know a thing or two about grudges. She'

ll come after you sooner or later. "

Cooper shrugged. "And I'll deal with her the same way I did before. "

The dwarf looked back and forth between me and Owen. "But the two of you are together now?"

Owen nodded. "We are. "

"Then I'd say missy here is in far more trouble than I am," Cooper said. "Salina never did like sharing you, Owen - not with anyone. "

Owen didn't respond, but sadness mixed with the guilt on his face. I wondered if he realized what the dwarf was really saying - that Salina would probably come after me too. I wondered what Owen would do in that situation - which one of us he'd choose. I hoped it would be me, but I couldn't quite ignore the cold, creeping dread that it would be Salina instead.

We sat there for another half hour. Owen and Kincaid tried to convince Cooper to come back to Ashland and stay at the Graysons' mansion, if only for the next few days, but the dwarf wouldn't budge, saying he had too many projects to finish.

"I've been up here in this old holler going on two hundred years. I'm not about to let Salina or anyone else drive me out of it. "

Cooper winked at me, and I found myself grinning in return. I liked the dwarf, with his loud voice and thick goggles. He reminded me of what Fletcher would have been like if the old man had still been alive - absolutely irrepressible.

Eventually, since he wouldn't come with us, we got to our feet and said our good-byes. Cooper walked us around to the front of the house. I started to get into the car with the others, but he grabbed hold of my arm.

"You be careful with Salina," Cooper warned. "I've heard about you, Gin, and what you can do with your magic. How you killed Mab Monroe. But Salina's tricky. She always has been, and so is her water magic. Fighting her isn't like fighting another elemental. Water power is hard to get a hold on, and it's even harder still to figure out some way to beat it. "

I nodded, taking his words to heart. I'd seen what Salina could do with her magic - how she enjoyed using it to hurt people.

"I'll be careful," I said. "I'll take care of Kincaid and protect him from Salina. Eva too. She won't hurt them again. Not as long as I'm still breathing. "

Cooper shook his head. "Eva and Kincaid aren't the only ones who need protecting from Salina. I think you know that. "

I looked over at Owen, who was already in the car and staring at us through the passenger window. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. "

I got into the Escalade. Through the open windows, Owen and Kincaid tried one final time to get their mentor to come along.

But Cooper shook his head again. "I'll be just fine up here. I have been for a long time now, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. But you take care. " His gaze flicked to me. "All of you. "