My lover sighed. "I just want to know the truth, Phillip. I'm giving you a chance to do the right thing. "

"I always did the right thing," Kincaid snarled back. "You were the one who was too blind to see - "

"Forget that night," I cut in. "What I really want to know is how you managed to run Salina out of town after the fact. "

Kincaid blinked in surprise before he could stop himself. "What are you talking about? Salina left Ashland all on her own. I had nothing to do with that. "

I shook my head. "No, she didn't, Philly. Why would she leave? She got Owen to believe you tried to rape her and almost got him to kill you in the process. Things went exactly the way she wanted them to go. But two days later, she just up and vanishes, and no one hears a peep from her for years. Since I know Owen didn't send her packing, that leaves you - and whoever helped you. "

Owen frowned. "Phillip? Is this true?"

Kincaid didn't say anything, so I decided to encourage him by pressing the knife a little deeper into his throat. He clenched his jaw, but he still didn't talk.

"I'm going to get the truth for Owen one way or another," I said in a deceptively light voice. "You can be helpful, or you can be dead. Doesn't much matter to me. "

He glared at me, his blue eyes practically glowing with cold anger. "What makes you think I had help?" Kincaid finally said.

"Because Salina has water magic, and you don't. You were just a kid back then, one who'd just been beaten to within an inch of his life. She wouldn't disappear just because you threatened her. No, Salina wouldn't leave town unless someone with real power told her to go - someone she thought could really back up a threat. "

Kincaid didn't say anything, but I could see the agreement in his eyes.

"Phillip?" Owen asked again.

After a few more seconds, the casino boss sighed. "It was Cooper, okay?'

Cooper Stills - Owen's dwarven mentor, the blacksmith he'd worked for, the one who had taken in Kincaid too. It made sense, and I should have realized it before now. Of course Kincaid would have turned to Cooper to help get rid of Salina. The dwarf had probably been the only person Kincaid had left after Owen had thrown him out.

I pulled my knife away, got to my feet, and held out my hand. Kincaid hesitated, then took it, and I pulled him up to his feet. His bodyguard started to come over to him, but the casino boss waved him off. He took a moment to straighten his suit jacket and tie before he looked at me once more.

"So now what?" Kincaid said. "Have I told you everything you needed to know? Can I go back to my lunch?"

I grinned at him. "Oh, Philly. You'd better put all that food in a doggie bag. Because we're all going for a little ride. "

Chapter 20

Kincaid managed to convince his giant guard that we weren't really kidnapping him, and ten minutes later, the three of us were in Finn's Escalade, which I was still driving. I thought about calling Finn and telling him what was going on, but I didn't want to distract him from chasing down his leads on Salina.

Owen sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window, while Kincaid sprawled across the backseat. None of us spoke.

I left the Delta Queen and the downtown district behind and headed toward Northtown. Driving past all the immaculate estates of that area and then into the Appalachian Mountains north of the city, we soon left the McMansions completely behind and started winding our way up one of the picturesque two-lane roads that dotted this part of Ashland. Trees crowded up to the edge of the pavement, showing off their clusters of spring leaves and painting the world in a fresh green color.

"So tell me about Cooper," I finally said. "What's he like?"

Owen let out a harsh laugh, but a little of the tension eased out of his shoulders. "A lot like Fletcher, I'd imagine. A rough, gruff, tough son of a bitch who worked and pushed me hard but who cared a lot about me too. "

"He pushed all of us hard," Kincaid said from the backseat. "Except for Eva. He was like a dwarven Santa Claus to her. He was always giving her candy and treats. "

Owen glanced over his shoulder at his former friend. "That's because Eva was a cute little girl and had him wrapped around her finger. She had everyone wrapped around her finger, including you. "

A faint grin spread across Kincaid's face. After a moment, Owen's lips twitched up as well, and they actually smiled at each other, the two of them lost in their memories.

"He's an Air elemental, right?" I asked. "I remember you telling me that before. How strong is he?"

Owen shrugged. "When I was a kid, he seemed incredibly strong, but he's pushing three hundred now. "

"Middle-aged, then, for a dwarf," I said.

Kincaid nodded. "And he works too hard. He always has. The man isn't happy unless he's at his forge pounding on something. Whenever I come up here to visit him, I always tell him to slow down, but he never listens to me. "