Owen stared at his sister, but he didn't co

ntradict her words. "And then I met Salina. By that point, Cooper was letting me make my own pieces, my own weapons and sculptures. Benedict, Salina's father, saw one of my designs for a knife and commissioned a similar piece. When it was finished, I delivered it to the Dubois house. That's how I met Salina. "

He didn't say anything else, and I didn't ask what had happened next. Even now, it was obvious Owen had cared deeply about her.

That he had loved her.

Jealousy seeped through my body, venom poisoning me from the inside out, and a bitter taste filled my mouth, but I sat perfectly still, not betraying any of the turmoil I felt.

The Owen Grayson I knew wasn't the type of man who would propose to a woman if he didn't believe he was going to spend the rest of his life with her. His dedication to the people he cared about was one of the things I admired most about him, even as much pain as it was causing me right now to think about him being with someone else - loving someone else.

Owen cleared his throat. "Salina was . . . captivating. Beautiful, mysterious, charming, playful, whimsical, everything I thought I'd ever wanted in a woman. She had a wild streak, and it suited her just fine to take up with a poor blacksmith, even though her father didn't approve of me. "

"Wait a minute," Finn interrupted. "Her father - you're talking about Benedict Dubois, right? The old mob boss? The one that Mab made such an example out of?"

Owen nodded. "Salina was his only daughter. She was there the night it happened, and so was I. "

His words were like a key opening a lock in my head. Benedict Dubois. I'd thought the name had sounded familiar when Kincaid had mentioned it, just like I'd thought I'd seen Salina's mermaid rune before I'd met her at Underwood's. Now I remembered exactly where I knew the name and the symbol from - a scouting job Fletcher had taken me on years ago.

"Salina . . . changed after that," Owen said. "Witnessing her father's murder - it did something to her. "

"Yeah," Eva piped up. "It made her even more of a heartless bitch than she already was. "

Owen ignored her and looked at me. "After Mab killed her father, I felt even more of a connection to Salina. She had ended up just like the three of us - with nothing. Mab took everything that Benedict had - all his money, all his businesses, everything - and then she left his mansion to just sit there and rot. I'd been saving up enough money to get my own place, so I did, and Salina moved in with me, Eva, and Phillip. For a while, everything was perfect. "

"I'm guessing we're about to get to the part where it all went wrong," Finn said.

Owen grimaced. "Something like that. Cooper finally found out we were using him to steal. He was a good man, and he really did care about us. He tried to convince me to stop, but I didn't want to listen to him. For the first time in a long time, I was having fun, and I didn't want it to stop. So I quit working for him, and I started making weapons and sculptures on my own. Then, when I went to deliver the goods, I would case my clients' houses and go back later with Phillip. We would take what we wanted just like we'd been doing all along. "

Owen fell silent and paced across the den once more before going on with his story.

"For a while, everything was great, so great that I proposed to Salina, and she said yes. We were planning to get married just as soon as I could get my hands on enough money to pay for the kind of wedding she wanted. "

I knew Owen had been involved with women before me - lots of women, given how rich, handsome, and successful he was. But it still jarred me to hear him talk about someone else, especially about how close he'd been to committing to Salina forever. Owen was really the first serious relationship I'd ever had. I'd opened up my heart to him in a way that I hadn't to anyone ever before, and I'd wanted to be the same thing for him. But I wasn't, and it hurt.

It hurt so much, this sharp, aching, bitter jealousy that burned and sputtered like a candle flame right where my heart was.

And that wasn't the worst part. Because even now, I could see something in his eyes, hear something in his voice, when he talked about Salina. Maybe it was just the fondness of first love or the good times they'd shared, or maybe it was something more serious, but it was there all the same - and it worried the hell out of me.

"So what happened?" Finn asked. "What went wrong with your life of love, loot, and larceny?"

Owen stared into space, not answering him. Eva let out a disgusted snort, which roused my lover out of his memories.

"Owen?" I asked. "What happened?"

Chapter 14

He sighed and looked at Eva before finally turning his gaze to me. "Phillip tried to rape and murder Salina. "

the tense conversations we'd had these past few days was all the interaction I'd ever had with him, but the casino boss didn't strike me as a rapist.

Then again, a restaurant owner didn't strike most people as being the kind of woman who'd moonlight as an assassin either.

But I'd been fooled by people in the past. Maybe Kincaid was just better at hiding his true nature than most folks were.

"Tell me about it," I said, determined to keep an open mind.

"It was a typical night," he began. "Phillip and I had scouted a mansion in Northtown. The owners were supposed to be gone, so we figured it would be easy pickings. We left Salina behind to watch Eva, but Phillip said he was feeling sick and went back. I went on to the mansion, but when I got there, the whole place was lit up, and the owners were there. So I turned around and headed home. "