I frowned. "You mean that bastard got away? How did he do that?"

Jo-Jo stared at me. "Jonah McAllister might be a pompous little weasel, but he also knows how to survive. Don't forget, he managed to keep his position as one of Mab's number-two men for decades, something that wasn't easy. "

"Which makes him dangerous in his own way," I murmured.

"But even he's a little busy these days," Finn cut in. "McAllister is a follower, not a leader. Word is that he's trying to find himself a new boss to work for-without getting dead first. Last thing I've heard, he's gone into hiding until things settle down in the city. It's gang warfare out there on the streets. Almost a month after Mab dies, and every shark in the Ashland underworld is still going at it trying to grab as much power as he can. "

Bria nodded her agreement. "I know. Xavier and I have been pulling double shifts for weeks now. "

"So see, Gin? No one's really even noticed your absence," Finn said in a cheery voice. "They're all too busy killing each other off right now to think about coming after the Spider. "

"Terrific," I muttered. "Just terrific. "

But after a moment, I started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Owen asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing much. Just the fact I killed the most unkillable woman in Ashland, the strongest, most unbeatable elemental around, and no one seems to care because they're all too busy mowing each other down in the street with machine guns. It's just-funny. "

I laughed again, but the others exchanged puzzled glances. They didn't understand what was going on. I laughed until tears streamed down my face, and my stomach hurt from the force of it. And then I laughed some more.

Irony. What a bitch.

I managed to quit laughing long enough to finish eating. Jo-Jo went to check on something in the salon, while Owen stepped outside to call Eva and update her on how I was doing. Their departures left me alone with Finn and Bria in the kitchen. The two of them sat at the table across from me, not quite touching, but obviously wanting to do so. Being alive had put me in a rather generous mood, so I decided to make things easy for them.

"So," I said. "Exactly how long have the two of you been together? I assume that you've been going hot and heavy ever since that night at Fletcher's house when the bounty hunters interrupted you. Am I right?"

Finn and Bria didn't look at me or each other.

"Right," Bria mumbl

ed. "Although if it makes you uncomfortable-"

"Then Gin's just going to have to deal with it," Finn cut her off.

Bria stared at him in surprise.

"What?" Finn said. "I worked too hard and too long to get you into my bed to just cut you loose now, cupcake. "

Bria's eyes narrowed. "Cupcake?"

"Cupcake. " Finn grinned at her. "Or would you prefer snuggle bunny?"

Bria's hand drifted down to the gun on her leather belt, as though she wanted to pull it out and shoot Finn with it. Well, it was good to know I wasn't the only one who occasionally had that reaction to him.

I looked back and forth between the two of them, surprised and more than a little pleased by the emotions I saw sparking in their gazes. Annoyance. Desire. Heat. And something a little softer and more promising as well. I thought they might have a chance of making it together-forever. Bria was serious enough to keep Finn grounded, while my foster brother was carefree enough to get my sister to lighten up. Something that she needed now more than ever to help her get over the horrors of what Mab had done to her.

"I'm going to have to agree with Finn on this one," I said in a mild tone. "Especially since I've had to listen to him tell me how fantastic you are ever since Christmas. "

Bria stared at my foster brother with a little more warmth. "You think that I'm fantastic? I'm not just another conquest to you?"

Finn's shoulders sagged, and he gave me a defeated look. "Geez, Gin. Talk about kicking a guy when he's down. Now you've gone and done it. "

I arched an eyebrow. "What? I've let the world know that there really is a heart underneath that slick suit and shiny tie? We've all known that for a while now, Finn. No matter how much you try to hide it. "

"Curses," Finn muttered. "Foiled again. "

I leaned over and rumpled his walnut-colored locks. "As for me, the two of you have my blessing-and then some. So go, get out of here and have some fun-together. You've been cooped up in this house long enough, worrying about me. "