Caine zipped up the bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Lead on, Macduff. " "Quoting Shakespeare? I never would have guessed, detective. "

"I never guessed I'd be working with an assassin either. Stranger things. "

"Touche. " I flashed one of my silverstone knives at him. "Stay behind me and keep quiet. There was one more guard who went around the back of the cabin. My associate should have taken care of him, but you can never be too careful. " He raised a black eyebrow. "Associate?"

"Associate. Now, follow me. "

I turned and strode over to the bedroom door. My hand tightened on the knife hilt, and I waited a beat, listening. But Caine didn't go for his third gun, the one I'd seen him slip out of the dresser and against the small of his back, the one he thought I didn't know about. The detective was honoring his agreement. He wasn't going to shoot me in the back-yet.

I tiptoed into the hallway. Everything was quiet, and no scurries of movement sounded. No hoarse whispers. No ragged gasps. Nothing.

Donovan Caine stayed close to me. His clean, soapy scent washed over me again. The warmth from his body enveloped my own, and his breath puffed against the back of my neck, almost like a kiss. We reached the part of the hall that overlooked the first floor. I made a motion with my hand for Caine to stay put. Then I dropped to my knees, slid down the wall, and peeked through the railing.

Finn leaned against the front door, reading a newspaper. The dead guard lay where I'd placed him. Finn had a foot propped up on the guy's bloody back, which meant he'd already gone around the house and killed the last man. He wouldn't have been standing there otherwise. I shook my head and straightened.

"Come on," I told Caine. "The coast is clear. "

We went downstairs. Finn didn't look up as the wood creaked and cracked under our weight. I snatched the newspaper out of his hands and tossed it aside.

"Hey," he protested. "I was reading that. " "Now you're not. "

I stepped back so Finn and Caine could have a clear view of each other. "Donovan Caine, this is my associate, Finnegan Lane. And vice versa. "

The two men stared at each other. Caine looked at Finn's supple leather jacket, designer khakis, and custom- made polo shirt. Finn eyed the detective's ratty duffel bag, the threadbare patches on his jeans, and the stains on his faded boots.

Assumptions were made, judgments rendered, dicks measured.

After about twenty seconds of intense scrutiny, Finn stuck out his hand. Caine just looked at it, with his flat, deadpan, cop stare.

"Not a hand shaker, eh? Too bad. " Finn dropped his hand. "The rear guard?" I asked.

"Dispatched, of course. "

Finn didn't have much use for knives, but whenever he backed me up on jobs, he always carried a couple of guns with him. Usually a silencer as well, which is probably why I hadn't heard him take out the rear guard. Among his many character quirks, Finnegan Lane happened to be an excellent shot.

He gestured at the dead man at his feet. "I take it all the others wound up like this one, Gin?"

"Of course. "

Finn grinned at me. "Touche. "

Donovan Caine stared at me. "Gin? Is that your real name?"

I realized I'd never told the detective my name, just my assassin moniker, the Spider.

But he was going to have to call me something, since we were going to be working together, and it was too late now to concoct some sort of alias. "More or less. "

"Gin?" Caine asked again. "Yeah, like the liquor. "

"Gin. " Caine said the word carefully this time, as though it were a fine wine he was tasting on his tongue, instead of a bastardized version of my real name. "It suits you. " Despite the situation, I found his slow drawl low, warm, and inviting. "Glad you think so. Now let's go. "

We skulked down the hill through the yard. The party next door was still going strong, although the radio now blared out "Free Bird. " A few more frat boys had stumbled outside and were sleeping off their drunken stupors on the lawn. Nobody appeared to have heard the gunshots or the sound of five men dying in and around Donovan Caine's cabin. The southern rock music was so loud and twangy, I doubted anyone on the whole street could hear themselves think. Noisy neighbors. A blessing in disguise sometimes.

We reached the SUV. Finn got into the driver's seat, while I slid into the passenger's side. Donovan Caine paused, staring into the dark depths of the vehicle. He pulled in a breath, opened the door, and climbed into the backseat. He hesitated again and let out the same breath before he shut the door. No going back . That's what he had to be thinking right now. Also short for what the fuck am I doing getting into an assassin's car?

But the detective seemed to be sticking with his decision. With our truce. He pushed his bag down onto the floorboard and buckled his seat belt. The sharp snap reminded me of handcuffs clinking together.

"Now what?" Caine asked.