Now came the trickier part-getting out of the asylum. Because while all it had taken to get thrown in here was a faked psychotic episode and a few greased palms, several obstacles lay between me and the outside world, namely two dozen orderlies, a couple of security guards, a variety of locks, and twelve-foot-high walls topped with razor wire.

I crept to the end of the hall and peered down the next passageway. Deserted. It was after seven, and most of the patients had already been put back into their padded cells to scream away the night. With any luck, Evelyn and the orderly wouldn't be discovered until morning. But I was going to be long gone before then. Never count on luck to get you through anything. A lesson I'd learned the hard way long ago.

Using the route I'd memorized and keeping in mind the orderlies' timed circular sweeps, it was easy enough to make my way through the dim corridors to the right wing of the asylum. Thanks to the piece of tape I'd put over the lock, the door to one of the supply closets was already open. I slipped inside. Industrial supplies were crammed into the dark area. Mops. Brooms. Toilet paper. Cleaning solvents.

I walked to the back corner, where the builders had been too cheap to cover the granite wall with paint, and pressed my hand to the rough stone. Listening. As a Stone elemental, I had the power, the magic, the ability, to listen to the element wherever it was, in whatever form it took. Whether it was gravel under my feet, a rocky mountain outcropping soaring above my head, or just a simple wall, like the one I had my hand on now, I could hear the stone's vibrations. Since people's emotions and actions sink into their surroundings, especially stone, over time, tuning into those vibrations could tell me a number of things, from the temperament of a person living in a house to whether a murder had taken place on the premises.

But the stone wall underneath my hand only babbled its usual insanity. There were no sharp notes of alarm. No clashing and clanging vibrations of hurried activity. No sudden disturbances rippling through the rock. The bodies hadn't been discovered yet, and my fellow crazies were probably still drooling on each other. Excellent.

I climbed up on a metal shelf set against the wall, pushed aside a loose ceiling tile, and grabbed the plastic- wrapped bundle of clothes I'd hidden there. I stripped off my blood-spattered, white inmate pajamas and shimmied into the new garments.

One of the first things I'd done when I'd been committed had been to break into the patients' repository and liberate the clothes I was wearing when the cops had brought me here. In addition to my blue jeans, long-sleeved navy T-shirt, boots, and navy hooded fleece jacket, I'd also had a couple of pocketknives on me, along with a silver watch that had a long spool of garrote wire coiled inside the back. Small, flimsy weapons, but I'd learned long ago to make do with what I had.

In addition to the repository, I'd also paid a visit to the records room, grabbed my fake Jane Doe files, and destroyed those, as well as erased any mention of my stay here from the computer system. Now, there was no trace I'd ever been in the asylum at all. Besides Evelyn Edwards's cooling body, of course.

I snapped the watch around my wrist. A bit of moonlight streaming in the window hit my hand, highlighting a scar embedded deep in my palm. A small circle with eight thin lines radiating out of it. A matching scar decorated my other palm. Spider runes-the symbol for patience.

I uncurled my hands and stared at the lines. At the tender age of thirteen, I'd been beaten, blindfolded, and tortured-forced to hold onto a piece of silverstone metal, a medallion shaped like the spider rune. My hands had been duct-taped around the rune, which had then been superheated by a Fire elemental. The magical metal had melted and burned into my palms, hence the scars. Back then, seventeen years ago, the marks had been fresh, ugly, red-like my screams and the laughter of the bitch who'd tortured me. The scars had faded with time. Now, they were just silvery lines crisscrossing the swirls of my pale skin. I wished my memories of that night were as dull.

Moonlight highlighted the silverstone metal still in my flesh and made the marks more visible than they were during the day. Or maybe that was because I did most of my work at night, when the dark things, the dark emotions, came out to play.

Sometimes I almost forgot the runes were there until moments like these, when they showed themselves.

And reminded me of the night my family had been murdered.

I ignored the painful tug of memories and continued with my work. The job was only half-done, and I had no intention of getting caught because I'd become misty-eyed and maudlin over things best forgotten. Emotions were for those too weak to turn them off.

And I hadn't been weak in a very long time.

I stuffed the bloody pajamas and the empty plastic wrap into the bottom of one of the buckets the janitors used to mop the floors. Then I grabbed a can of bleach off the metal shelf, opened it, and dumped the liquid into the bucket. Using my jacket sleeve to hold one of the mop handles, I gave the whole thing a good stir. There'd be no DNA to be had from these clothes. Assuming the police even bothered to check for any. Murders, especially stabbings, weren't exactly uncommon in the asylum, which is why I'd decided to take out the shrink here instead of at her home.

When that was done, I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out a pair of silver glasses with oval frames. The bluish lenses went on my face, obscuring my gray eyes.

The other pocket held a baseball hat, to hide my dyed blond hair and cast my features in shadow. Simple tools really did work best, especially when it came to changing your appearance. A bit of glass here, some baggy clothes there, and most people couldn't tell what color your skin was, much less what you actually looked like.

My disguise complete, I palmed one of the pocketknives, opened the door, and stepped out into the hallway. Wearing my regular clothes and a big ole, friendly, southern smile, I left. Nobody gave me a second look, not even the so-called security guards who were paid for their stellar vigilance and exceptional attention to detail.

Five minutes later, I scrawled a fake name across the visitors' sign-out sheet at the front desk. Another orderly, female this time, scowled at me from behind the glass partition.

"Visiting hours were over thirty minutes ago," she sniped, her face drawn tight with disapproval. I'd interrupted her nightly appointment with her romance novel and chocolate bar.

"Oh, I know, sugar," I cooed in my best Scarlett O'Hara voice. "But I had a delivery to make to one of the kitchen folks, and Big Bertha told me to take my sweet time. " Lies, of course. But I put a concerned look on my face to keep up the act. "I hope that was all right with y'all? Big Bertha said it was fine. "

The orderly blanched. Big Bertha was the wizened woman who ran the kitchen-and just about everything else in the asylum-with an iron fist. Nobody wanted to mess with Big Bertha and risk getting whacked with the cast- iron skillet she always carried.

Especially not for twelve bucks an hour.

"Whatever," the orderly snapped. "Just don't let it happen again. " It wouldn't happen again because I had no intention of ever coming back to this horrid place. I turned up the wattage on my fake smile. "Don't worry, sugar, I sure won't. "

The orderly buzzed open the door, and I stepped outside. After the asylum's overpowering stench of drool, urine, and bleach, the night air smelled as clean, crisp, and fresh as line-dried sheets.

If I hadn't just killed two people, I might have dawdled, enjoying the sound of the frogs croaking in the trees and the soft, answering hoots of the owls in the distance.

Instead, I walked toward the front gate with sure, purposeful steps. The metal rattled back at my approach, and I gave the guard in his bulletproof booth a cheerful wave.

He nodded sleepily and went back to the sports section of the newspaper.

I stepped back into the real world. My feet crunched on the gravel scattered outside the gate, and the stone whispered in my ears. Low and steady, like the cars that rumbled over it day in and day out. A far happier sound than the constant, insane shriek of the granite of the asylum.