I smirk. I was hoping he’d notice. “I will be. I’ll fix it in the mirror before we head in. ”

He has no idea I’m not wearing lipstick because I have plans to do things with my lips before we enter the club.

As soon as he parks his panty-wetting muscle car into The White Rabbit’s parking lot, I wait patiently til he takes out the keys and turns to me. I climb across the seat and into his lap. I place my arms around his neck and smile softly at him. His face softens as he searches me through a tender gaze. We look into each other’s eyes for a short while and my heart races. I lean forward slowly and kiss his lips, so soft it’s barely a whisper. He growls low in his throat and captures my bottom lip, gently nipping it. Opening my mouth, I push my tongue against his and moan at the contact.

I love this man. With all my heart. He’s it for me. I’ll never find another like him.

I press into him, deepening our kiss. His arms wrap around me, constricting me, making me feel safe and warm. I reach up and cup his cheek. He pulls back a little and says, “Say it. ”

Confused, I pull back further and look into his hooded eyes. He repeats, “Say it, baby. ”

It dawns on me and with a small smile, I tell him sincerely, “I love you, Asher Collins. ”

Looking pained, he closes his eyes and rests his forehead on mine. He whispers, “Don’t deserve you. Not even a bit. But as long as you want me, you got me. ”

My eyes close and I whisper, “Don’t leave me. Ever. ”

“Never. You’re my girl,” he replies seriously.

My heart swells with joy and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Tonight is going to be a good night.


As soon as we enter the club, it’s time to commence mission No one suspects a thing.

Basically, Ash and I have to start acting like our old selves. It’s not something I like doing, but I really do want this relationship to be just mine and his for a little longer. At least til he can tell me he loves me. He almost said it this morning but something is holding him back. I felt the waves of frustration radiating off of him. It hurt a little, but I know he’s trying. I’m doing my best to not take it personally. I know what he went through at home. As far as I’m concerned, I’m lucky he’s claiming me as his girl. That’s a big step for lil old Ghost.

Just before we enter the club, he kisses me long and hard. I’d just put on my lipstick but I don’t care. His lips are drugging. His kisses are mind-consuming. I’m a lucky, lucky girl.

Now it’s showtime.

He follows me through the door and squeezes my ass. I turn to him and see he wears his cheeky new happy smile. I’ve only had the honor of seeing it a few times before. I can’t help but chuckle at him. The real Asher is actually quite a goofy guy. Who knew what was hiding under all the broodiness?

It’s early. The club doesn’t open for another half hour. He leads me upstairs to the VIP area. He looks over at me and says, “Got shit to do,” then throws a wink my way and walks toward the security room.

I trot over to the bar to greet Stefan, the handsome barman. I say, “Howdy, Sheriff. ”

He looks up at me and smiles while clutching his chest. He teases, “Be still my beating heart. ”

Chuckling, I tease, “You know, I could really use a drink. I know you’re busy and all, but I want the most complicated thing you can muster. Make it a double. And I want a show, like Tom Cruise in Cocktail. ”

He barks a laugh, winks at me and says quietly, “I ain’t ever too busy for you, beautiful. ”

We chat and laugh and just as he starts to make my fancy drink, Tina appears by my side, hugging me and bouncing up and down. She looks at Stefan and says, “Yay! I love when Sheriff puts on a show!”

We whoop and cheer as Stefan flips and catches bottles. He mixes two drinks and hands one to Tina. We both look at it like it’s poison being that Tina’s pregnant. Trying my hardest not to be inconspicuous, I grab her drink and shoot it. Tina cheers me on and as soon as Sheriff turns around, she mouths dramatically, “Thank you, honey!” and runs a hand down her face.

I chuckle at her over-the-top dramatics.

Two hours later, we’re all seated at the booth. Asher is doing a shift of security work so he won’t be free for a few hours, but I’m having so much fun with my friends that I’m happy knowing he’s in the same vicinity as me. Max and I flirt, as per usual. He says some dirty, dirty things that makes even me blush. I spend most of the night laughing my head off at the ridiculous conversations happening and watching Nik and Tina through envious eyes.

I want that.

That carefree relationship. The love. The comfort of knowing you’re committed to your soul mate. I want it all.

Max pulls me into his side and I snuggle him. I love Max. He’s my best guy friend. I feel the booth bench depress and I turn to see a very unhappy Asher glare at me. I flush in guilt, straighten and say in perfect old Nat, “What the hell are you lookin’ at, assface?”