“Oh, yes! Fuck me! Deeper!”

Oh, just put a freakin’ bullet in my brain, would ya?

“Yes! Yes! YESSSSSSsssssss!” Then silence.

I listen for a moment but hear nothing, so I snuggle my pillow and fall back asleep.


“Oh, God! Baby, just like that! Yes! Oh my God! Yes!”

You have got to be freakin’ kidding me.

I peek at the digital clock which reads 1:45am.

My blood boils.

Screwing with my sleep once a night is bad enough, but twice?! I run a hand over my face.

Oh, dear God, give me strength!

It takes every last bit of willpower for me to not go over there and smack some sense into them.

“Please, baby! Give it to me! Yes! Yes! Oh god yes!”

This is a selfish woman. She’s had at least three orgasms tonight.

Leave some for the rest of us, lady.

“Baby, please! Yes! Yes! YESSSSSssssss!” Then silence.

Thank god!

I snuggle deeper into my bed and sigh. Just as I’m about to fall asleep, it starts.


My eyes flash with rage.

They cannot be serious!


What is this man? A freakin’ cyborg?!


I start silently sobbing into my pillow. I love my sleep so much I’ll cry over losing it.

Then I stare up at the ceiling and silently fume.


My eye twitches with rage.

I peek over at the digital clock. 2:57am.

They’ve been at it for hours. I’ve alternated crying, cursing and praying. Nothing helps. I grit my teeth.