
I love old eighties teen movies! So much angst and bitterness. Just like me!

Being a teenager was awesome. No problems, all you really had to worry about was who you were crushing on that week. And high school. And the latest fashions. And pimples. And hormones.

You know what, I take it back.

Being a teenager sucked ass.

I’m lost in the movie when I hear a loud thump followed by a female giggling. I blink then smirk.

My neighbor is getting lucky tonight.

Good for them.

Ten minutes passes and another loud thump hits the wall behind the TV. My TV jiggles and I’m suddenly worried that my two thousand dollar TV will fall off the wall and smash into pieces.

Another thump, then another hits the wall followed by a long female moan.

Oh, shit. Really?

Against my damn wall?

Let them go, they’re just having some fun.

And ruining my damn movie!

Another five minutes of thumps hitting my wall and I’ve had it. I turn off the TV and head to bed. I crawl in and let out a happy sigh.

I love sleep so much!

I pull the covers up to my chin then breathe in deep. Upon the exhale, I hear a woman’s muffled yell, “OH, GOD! YES! YES! YESSSSSssssssss!” Then silence.

Well, that was fun.

At least someone’s getting some.

Touché, brain.

I curl up deeper into my bed and fall asleep.


“Oh, God. Yes! Yes, baby! Yes!”

What the feck?

My eyelids flutter open and immediately I know something is wrong.

It’s still dark out. So, why am I awake?

I glance over at the digital alarm clock which reads 12:37am.

“Harder, baby! Yes! Ohhhhhhhh, God! Yes!” The freakin’ female wailer is back.

Stupid neighbors.

I put the pillow over my head and groan.