Walking over to him, I see his eyes crinkle. I smile at him, wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his chest. He stiffens a little but I can see he’s getting used to it. In between kisses, I ask, “Are we going to wait another year to do this again?”

His hand reaches up to squeeze the back of my neck as he replies, “That all depends on you, girl. ”

I really like the neck thing. It feels possessive and dominant.

Taking a moment to try to activate my brain-to-mouth filter, I realize I’m too late when I blurt out, “I really just wanna fuck you whenever I feel like it. ”

Insert face-palm here.

My face flushes but luckily he doesn’t take offence. Relief flows through me as he rubs my back gently and chuckles his response, “Well, right on. I’m all for that. ”

And just like that, Asher Collins and I are having an affair…I think.

Hmmm, I must clarify this with him.

Searching for the right way to put this, I admit, “I don’t want anyone to know about this, Ash. ”

His hand stills at my back and, damn it, I’m worried I’ve made yet another huge mistake. Before he can answer, I go on, “It’s not the way you think. I’m not ashamed of you. ” Looking at him so he can see the sincerity in my eyes, I tell him, “It’s just that with all the Cole stuff that happened and everyone feeling the need to give me their opinions lately, I guess I just want something that’s just mine. Something private. Something I won’t be judged for or have people butt their asses into. Do you get me, or do I just sound like some crazy-assed rambling woman?”

His eyes search me a moment before he responds. “Yeah. I get it. ” The response is gruff but he softens it by putting stray hairs behind my ear.

Excited by the fact that Gh- I mean Asher will be fucking me again soon has me giddy. Smiling hard at him and squeezing his waist, I ask, “So what are the rules?”

His eyes widen comically as he asks, “There are rules?”

Rolling my eyes at his dramatics, I utter, “Uh, yeah. If we’re going to do this, we both need to be on the same page. So I’ll go first. ” I tilt my head and narrow my eyes in thought before I gasp, “No talking about feelings. ”

Ash nods his agreement, “Yeah, that shit’s for pussies. Good one. Okay. ” He thinks a moment then smiles a saucy smile, “If there’s a door with a lock, anywhere is fair game. ”

Leaning back to look up at him in disbelief, I say, “Wow. Um, okay. I’m for it. ” I rub his chest absentmindedly thinking, then say, “We can call on each other at any hour. Day or night. ”

Kneading my ass with his large hands, he responds, “Fuck yeah. That’s a given. ” He looks down at me seriously. “You sure you want to do this, pretty girl? I can be very demanding. ”

Scoffing, I reply, “Oh, honey. You have no idea what you’re in for. ”

I mentally smirk.

He really doesn’t.

Chapter Fourteen

Skeletons in the closet…everyone has them

Waking with a smile on my face, I squint over at the digital alarm clock. The blaring red numbers flash 5:25am.

I am so tired but deliriously happy. That’s what three orgasms in an hour will do to a woman.

We only arrived home a couple of hours ago. The rest of last night went perfectly. When I say it went perfectly, I mean when Asher and I re-emerged from our sex den, all we had to do was call each other a few choice names while giving each other dirty looks and no one suspected a thing.

At least, I think they didn’t.

Tina looked a little shocked when Ash demanded I wait for him so we can go home together, but when he mentioned that he wanted to check my apartment to make sure it was safe, Tina got all dreamy happy. And I seriously wanted to slap her.

Lola and Trick were wrapped up in each other, being all cute and so them, not even noticing we were gone. Mimi and Nik kept narrowing their eyes at my lips which I’m sure were pink and puffy from the rough kissing during the sexiness, but I just looked at them with a confused expression on my face as if I couldn’t work out what they were looking at. Mimi straight-up frowned at me but let it go. Nik just shook his head as if clearing it.

Score: Nat 1 - the world 0.

We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing at the booth. Max and I were huddled close, flirting and touching. Ash was not happy about that. He didn’t have to say anything. The look on his face was enough to see he was seething. And moronically, it made me feel good to see his jealous side come out. So, of course, I played a little harder. Kissing Max’s cheek and whispering dirty nothings into his ear until around 3am when Ash pulled me up by my arm and announced we were leaving. Not even giving me a chance to give more than a goodbye wave, he dragged me to his hot-as-hell muscle car and helped me in. When I was in and ready to go, he turned his scowling face to me and demanded, “Suck me. ”