No. I hadn’t.

I still see Tina’s small, limp body in that hospital bed. I find myself staring at the puckered scar under her collarbone and wondering what would have happened if she hadn’t made it.

A chill spreads through me.

It’s too horrific to imagine.

Tina places her hand on Mimi’s arm. I decide now is not the time to argue and give in. “Okay, I’ll text you all as soon as I find out where I’m going on my date. ”

Mimi looks slightly mollified which pleases me.

I’m trying to work Ghost into a conversation. When I can’t find an in, I blurt out, “Ghost spent the day with me yesterday. ”

All the girls still and blink at me as if I’d spoken another language.

Tina’s eyes widen. “No. Freakin’. Way. ”

“And you’re just telling us now?” Mimi asks incredulously.

Lola claps and cheers. “Hooray! We’re all friends again!”

I breathe deep then explain what we spoke about on Saturday night and Ghost’s attempted burglary of my milk on Sunday morning. I tell them every small detail of our breakfast together, the vibrator conversation (which they all burst out laughing…some friends), the adventure to the grocery store and how we spent the evening watching TV together. Then I explained we have to watch TV at my place because he doesn’t have one and all three of them gasp loudly and stare in disbelief.

I know, right? Thank you!

Not owning a TV is weird. I knew it wasn’t just me that thought so.

Smiling, I play with a piece of paper on the counter and find myself admitting, “I had a really great time with him. He doesn’t talk without prompting, but I think I’m getting somewhere with him. He’s opening up to me. ” I dip my chin and say a hushed, “I want to know him better. ”

After a long silence, I lift my head to find Tina, Lola and Mimi all smiling sweetly at me.

Feeling awkward and exposed, I put on a big fake smile. “Can you guys help me find something to wear to my date?”

Tina and Lola jump up and down excitedly and Mimi’s face softens as she quietly responds, “Of course, doll. ”

Phew. Quick save.


The girls did a great job with my outfit considering we had no idea where Cole was taking me on our date. They’ve dressed me in a black and white long, flowing maxi-dress, a black cardigan and lace up ballet flats. I’ve applied minimal makeup and wear my hair flowing down my back. I somehow manage to look sweet in this outfit which is precisely what I need. Tonight is not a sexy-look night.

Nervously tapping my foot, I check the time. 6:58pm.

He’ll be here any minute!

My stomach knots.

Could I have imagined how hot Cole is?

Ding Dong.

I mouth “Eeek!” to myself.

No time to think now, brain! Answer the damn door!

I mentally count to three then open the door. Okay, so I didn’t imagine how hot Cole is. Hot damn. He looks fantastic.

He’s dressed in jeans, a long sleeved tee and bright white sneakers. His black hair is in a spiked style and his blue eyes pop. I think I may have swallowed my tongue.