She’s lying.

I can read people well and I’d bet my life savings that Nat doesn’t sleep around which makes me wonder why she let me pull her into the conference room that night.

That makes me happy. Even though I have no right to feel happy about that.

“So, when are you seeing the angry man again?”

She immediately jumps to his defense. “He’s not an angry man! He just thought you were coming on to me, and his name is Cole, by the way. I’m going out with him tomorrow night. ”

I can understand that. If someone came between me and my woman… I mean, if I was with Nat and some guy came on to her in front of me, I’d want to break his skull. But something about him isn’t right. I’ll have to use my resources and look into him.

Looking at the shelves, I tell her, “You need to get me a last name, pretty girl. Something about that boy ain’t right. Too jittery. ”

She frowns, but I see her eyes blankly focus on the shelves, which makes me believe she thinks the same thing I do. She concedes on a nod. “Okay. Any more weird stuff, and I’ll let you check him out. And I’ll be honest with you about it. But if I see he’s just a normal guy, you will butt out. ” She holds out her hand and I take it in mine. We shake then continue shopping.

From this one experience, I can tell I’ll be happy to shop with her again. I like the way she walks around the cart, brushing past me. She talks to herself too, and I feel my body relax and my mind calm. I could listen to her talk all day. Half an hour later and we’re done, checked out and in my car driving home.

We both take bags full of groceries up to our apartments, and just as I’m about to say goodbye, Nat stops suddenly and blurts out, “Do you want to watch TV with me tonight?”

She wants to spend more time with me?

We’ve spent all morning together, and I’m actually really pleased she isn’t sick of me yet.

“Um- Ah- Uh, yeah. I guess. I mean, it’ll have to be here though. I don’t own a TV,” I stammer.

She gasps loudly and puts a hand to her chest. She whispers loudly, “You don’t own a TV?”

I would expect this reaction if I told her I had a bionic heart.

I smirk. “Nope. No, I don’t. ”

She puts a hand on my arm and whispers again, “What is wrong with you?”

I lean my head back and burst out laughing.

Nat’s face softens, her lips tilt at the corner and she speaks full of awe, “Wow. ”

Still chuckling, I ask, “What?”

She shifts from one foot to the other, looks to the ground and says softly, “That’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh. ” She nervously plays with a ring on her finger. “That’s one of the nicest sounds I’ve ever heard, Ghost. You should do it more often. ”

And then she’s gone.

Warmth spreads through me, causing my chest to expand and I smile.

Well hell.

I take my smile and strut like a peacock back to my apartment.

Chapter Four

The date

Last night was actually pretty great.

Ghost came over just after seven. When I say he came over, I mean he broke in through the patio sliding door and waltzed right in like he owned the place. We sat on opposite ends of my ridiculously comfortable sofa and watched TV.

He came dressed in sweats, a tee and barefoot. Of course, he looked amazing.