Nik smiles. “Yeah. We named her Eva. ”

Mimi comes up behind me and tells Nik, “That’s a beautiful name. ”

Lola smiles. “Just perfect, Niki. ”

Max asks, “So when can I see my little niece?”

Nik explains, “She was a little early, so she’s being incubated. ” Our faces fall and he laughs, “She’s completely healthy, guys. Really. It’s just a precaution. ”

Trick smirks. “Oh damn, Nik. Living with three girls. You’re fucked. ”

Ash chuckles. “Don’t worry, Nik. I won’t tell anyone about the tea party you had with Tatiana last week. ”

Nik laughs then says, “Laugh it up, guys. I’d have ten tea parties a week if it kept my girls happy. ”

And he means it. Nik is a good daddy.

Smiling to myself, I ask Nik if I can see Tina alone. He smiles a sad smile and tells me where I can find her. I walk down the hall and to her room. I knock gently and hear Tina say, “Come on in. ”

Walking past the privacy curtain, I find Tina sitting up in bed holding little Eva.

I’m suddenly overwhelmed.

Dipping my chin, I try to hold back my tears, but they fall in fat drops onto the floor in front of me. Tina says softly, “Wanna meet your niece, Aunt Nat? I only have her a few minutes before they take her away again. ”

Nodding, I choke out, “I’d like that. ”

I move to her bedside and sit down next to her. Eva is small. Smaller than Tatiana was. But just as beautiful.

Tina puts the little bundle that is Eva into my arms and I breathe in a shuddering breath. I’m in awe of this little creature. I whisper, “She’s so tiny. ”

Tina rests her head on my shoulder and yawns, “Yep, she is. But she’ll grow quickly. ”

My chest pangs in agony. I ask her, “How did you do it?” She looks up at me questioningly and I clarify, “Live past Mia’s death?”

Her face softens and she whispers, “Time heals all wounds. I promise, it does get better. You were there with me, you know it. ” I nod and she goes on, “I know it doesn’t feel like it now, but there will be a day where you wake up in the morning and colors will seem a little brighter, the sunshine will stay out longer, and the birds will sing just for you. ”

My vision blurs and I lower my head.

Tina whispers, “It’s gonna happen for you, honey. I promise. ”


Three months later…

Ash grabs me around the waist from behind and I burst into laughter. His body shakes with silent laughter and he says, “You think I’d let you get away with that, pretty girl? I don’t think so. ”

Next thing I know, a mangled pancake is being shoved into my mouth. Not just any pancake. The one I threw across the room and into Asher’s face before running like I stole something and locking myself in the bathroom.

Stupidly, I thought the coast was clear.

So now I must eat said mangled pancake. And I eat it with pride.

I chew loudly through my whimpers mixed with giggles while Pizza and Donut jump up and down at our feet knowing mommy and daddy are being silly.

Asher laughs, “You better eat the whole thing. Don’t make me get the syrup, girl. ”

Just as I swallow, the doorbell rings.