
Quite frankly, I’d rather have fire ants nibble at my balls.

So the shrew is my new neighbor.

Kiss my grits.

I smirk.

At least the view will be nice.

Chapter Two

Befriended by a Ghost

I make it to work just after nine.

Being kept up most of last night didn’t help me any. I heard my alarm, but my body acted of its own accord and pressed snooze.

Four times.

I dragged my ass out of bed and don’t even remember showering. Somehow, in my comatose state, I managed to put together a half decent outfit and drive myself to work. I walk through the door and Mimi looks up from the counter. Her eyes widen and she declares, “Wow. You look like shit. ”

I flip her the bird and she chuckles. I walk into the studio and yell out, “Gather. ”

Tina and Lola approach Mimi and I at the counter looking a little wary.

Oh, chicas. You have no idea.

Tina says softly, “Oh, honey. You look ill. Are you okay?”

I reply, “No. Not okay. Not in the slightest. ”

Lola looks concerned, puts a hand on my shoulder and asks, “What is it, Nat?”

My mouth waters when I spot Tina’s chocolate peanut butter cupcakes behind the counter. I grab one, unwrap it and shove the whole thing in my mouth. I close my eyes in bliss and moan.

My mouth is full so my response is a little garbled. “I had a run in with my neighbor last night. ”

Mimi smirks. “Already getting into trouble? Babe, you gotta wait at least a week for that. ”

Tina enquires, “What kind of run in?”

Lola’s eyes widen and she whispers loudly, “Oh, no. ” Then she guesses, “Loud sex?”

I swallow my cake, fire imaginary guns at Lola and utter, “Bingo!”

Tina sympathizes, “Oh, sweetie. You love sleep! That sucks!”

I scoff and run my hands down my face. “You have no idea, guys. Three freakin’ times. I was up til three am before I decided to go over there. So this pretty little woman answers the door and she looks nice enough. Just as she’s about to apologize, her man comes along. ”

Lola grimaces. “Asshole. He’s an asshole, right?”

I lower my face and chuckle through my reply, “You don’t know how right you are. Only we know this asshole. ”

Mimi’s face scrunches in confusion as she asks, “Who?”

“Yeah, who?” Tina asks.