Barking out a choked laugh, I raise both my arms, fisting my hands and yell out, “Best weekend ever!”


Unlocking the door to my apartment, I gasp when I step inside.

You forgot about the flowers, huh?

Oh, I totally did.

Ash wraps his arms around my waist and chuckles, “Oh shit. I forgot about those. Don’t worry. I’ll call someone to clean it all up. Let’s go back to my place. ” He lowers his face to my neck, kissing me. “All we need is a bed anyways. ”

Reaching into my purse, I take out my phone and start to take photos of my house. He asks in confusion, “What are you doing, girl?”

Not stopping my photo taking, I mutter, “No one’s gonna believe this unless I take photos. ”

Ash walks over to the counter and picks up the parcel I’d forgotten about. “She didn’t even open it,” he mutters to himself.

Walking up behind him, I explain, “I didn’t have time to open it, what with the flowers and me getting ready for work, and you proposing and swooping me off to Vegas, babe. ”

Turning, he smiles, “Open it. ”

Stepping back from him, I ask suspiciously, “What is it?”

Smiling, he says, “One of the reasons I thought you said yes to marrying me…” He eyes the package. “…but here this is. Unopened. ” He cups my cheek and runs his thumb over it gently. He says softly, “You really love me, don’t you, pretty girl?”

Holding a hand over his on my cheek, I whisper, “More than life. ”

He smiles a moment before handing me the parcel. With narrowed eyes, I unwrap it and take out the thin black folder. I open it up and read.

Dear Natalie Kovac,

Thank you so much for your anonymous donation to Stop! (Women Against Domestic Violence) in the amount of $250,000.

We are thrilled by your generosity, and I must admit I even shed a few tears when I saw the amount.

I’m not sure whether you yourself have been a victim of domestic violence, but I must tell you, it can be crippling.

I have seen women come through our doors, women who are only a shell of who they used to be. Your money will be invested in many areas. Most of it will go to new housing, self-defense classes, the hiring of therapists and toward the running of our twenty-four-hour safe house.

You will never know just how much your donation means to us here at Stop!

I know the donation was anonymous and perhaps I’ve overstepped boundaries by writing. If I have, please forgive me.

You are an exceptional pers

on and we are in your debt.

Kindest regards,

Barbara Helsen

Founder of Stop! and domestic abuse survivor

My vision blurs and I dip my head to stop him from seeing how much this is affecting me.

Ash wraps his arms around me and moves me toward the front door. “C’mon, girl. Let’s get some sleep. It’s been a long week,” he says quietly.

My husband, as always, is right.