My neighbors suck ass!

I’ve decided I already hate them. I won’t ever send them a Christmas card. Ever.

“Oh, God! Baby, yes! Harder, baby! Oh! Oh! Oh!”

My eye twitches again. I’ve been staring at the ceiling for ages. My eyes are sore and scratchy.

I can’t sleep in these conditions!

Call the cops.

No, it’ll take too long. I need sleep now!

“Yes! Babbbbbyyyy! YEEESSSSSSSssssss!”


I’ve had it!

I throw the covers off me, stomp to the bathroom and tie my hair into a messy bun at the very top of my head. I storm down the hall and out of my apartment. I pound on my neighbors’ door and wait.

The latch unlocks, the door opens and I see a short but very pretty woman stand before me in only a man’s shirt. She is blonde, blue eyed and slender. She wears a welcoming smile.

I scowl and say, “I’m sorry to bother your love-fest, but it’s three in the freakin’ morning and I have work in the morning. ”

She looks apologetic and just as she opens her mouth to speak I hear a husky man’s voice come from the hallway, “I’m sorry, ma’am. ” The lights are off so I can’t see him properly because his head is down, focusing on the buttons of the shirt he’s doing up as he walks to the door. He goes on, “It won’t happen again. ” Then he lifts his head.

My stomach dips.

I shrink and freeze.

My heart squeezes as I whisper, “Ghost?”

Ghost looks stunned. He chokes out, “Nat, what are you doing here?”

I look down and answer quietly, “I- Ah- I live next door. ” I clear my throat and put on my famous scowl, “Keep the noise down, please. I’ve got to work tomorrow. ” I turn to walk away.

Ghost stops me with a hand on my arm and a pleading, “Nat, hold up. ”

I pull my arm roughly from his grip and hiss, “I’m tired and I don’t want to talk, goddamn it. ” I whisper hoarsely, “I just want some freakin’ sleep. So, for the love of God, please fuck her quietly. ”

I turn on my heel and rush back to my apartment.

Well, that was fun.

Once I close the door, I put a hand to my chest, breathe in deeply then exhale slowly.

Well, seeing Ghost with another woman was something else. It hurt more than I’m willing to admit to myself. There is a piercing ache in my chest. I gently rub at it.

I’m just about to move from the door when I hear a muffled Ghost say, “Tasha, I think you should go. ”

My eyes widen and I tiptoe closer to the wall. I press my ear against it and hear the woman reply, “Sure thing, lover. Sorry about that. I get a little loud. Who was that anyway?”

Ghost replies, “No one. ”


That freakin’ hurts.