I smile at this morning’s shenanigans but I quickly sober.

Time to set up a meet.


The store is still crowded with potential blazer buyers. A lot of them see the price and slowly back away. Which I can’t say I blame them; it’s a lot to pay for one item.

Mimi and Lola are both at the store today because Nat asked for the morning off to get a physical.

I asked if everything was okay and she said she thinks it is but no harm in a check-up. Which I immediately approved of. You don’t mess around with your health.

I walk out of the store room and find Mimi at the counter with an irate looking She-Devil Sissy.

Son of a Big Mac!

Just when I thought I was having a good morning.

I walk over and ask Mimi, “There a problem, Meems?”

Mimi doesn’t take her eyes off Sissy but replies, “Just fine boss lady. Sissy here wants to buy a blazer. I told her the price and she freaked. ”

Oh, woe is she! Cry me a damn river!

This woman is becoming a permanent pain in my backside.

I turn to Sissy and say, “I’m sorry, Sissy. The blazers are expensive but they are what they are. Take it or leave it. Do not bring drama to the store. ”

Sissy flips her platinum blonde hair over one shoulder and replies “Fine. Two hundred and fifty dollars for a blazer, I must be out of my mind. Whatever. Wrap it up. ”

Holy buckets!

Mimi charged her sixty dollars more than I planned on charging. I’ll tell her off later. Not that she’ll give a flying poop.

Mimi starts wrapping up her purchase when I remember something and tell her, “Sissy, there is absolutely no refund on this item. You bring it back and it won’t be like last time. I won’t be nice. ”

Sissy glares at me. I take this as an okay and turn to head back to the store room.

I halfway there when I hear Sissy yell out, “How did you do it?”


I turn and take a few steps towards the counter. I ask, “How did I do what?”

She makes an exasperated noise. She says slowly, “Nik. I worked on him for months and ended up with zip. How did you get him? You pregnant or somethin’?”

The nerve of this woman!

I decide to be a little cruel. Which is never nice but this woman is insinuating the only way I could have Nik is if he got me pregnant.

I say acidly, “No, Sissy. I’m just not you. Which, not surprisingly, Nik likes. ” I lean closer and whisper, “Nik loves me, Sissy. HeHH told me I’m it. ”

I see her face flash painfully and without waiting for a response, I turn and head back to the store room.

I didn’t like doing that. Sometimes I wish my mouth had a backspace key.


Nat comes back in to the store sometime after three. She doesn’t stop to look at anyone, just walks on through to the store room and ignores the greetings we all yell out to her.